Monday, April 12, 2010

Lullaby Lakers....

Okay...I wonder what is REALLY going on with the Lakers? I have a two part theory. The first theory is that being that they know they are already the Division champs, they are just saving themselves for the playoffs. Why play hard, risk injury, exhaust themselves if they are already going to the playoffs and don't have to grapple to get there? Save it for the REAL business, where winning games really counts at this point. But my OTHER theory is that the other guys are rebelling since Kobe came maybe they enjoyed playing and winning win he was on the sidelines hurt. Maybe they resent him coming back after all, so they refuse to perform. Is that possible? Can grown men be THAT petty, juvenile, and silly? YES! it's possible they just don't want to give Kobe any more fuel to his fire. Perhaps they think that he gets too much of the credit, and they have the balls to protest (unlike the flunkies playing under LeBron James. LOL. I don't know...I thought with the addition of Ron Artest it was gonna be a great year. And granted, it did start out that way. But what's has gotten into our fellas lately? Is it apathy, strategic planning, or stubbornness. I truly don't believe that they are simply being outplayed. Well, at any rate, the playoffs basically start this weekend. Let's hope we see the Champs play like they should be playing!! Go Lakers!!