Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tebow Talks!

I am reading Tim Tebow's memoir called Through My Eyes right now. Can't say that I am totally enthralled (it reads like a very young author wrote it, who has not experienced a full life yet), but it is a decent read. It gives a lot of insight on some of his upbringing, the philosophy behind the Tebow family and how he turned out to be such an outstanding young man and athlete. It starts out describing the difficulties that his mom endured during her pregnancy with him and during his delivery. He really is a miracle on legs! I am compelled to read the book as a mother, who has raised one son and who has two more sons to go. I would love for my younger sons to emulate their older brother (who does remind me a lot of Tim) and Tim! I can relate to the fact that Tim was home schooled, being that I home schooled my three older children for seven years, and I LOVED it. Reading his story just gives me positive feedback on the choice that I made to do it with my own kids. He also goes into his fitness regiment, which started at a VERY young age. He is really an anomaly, having started working out at such a young age without it stunting his growth! He began doing rudimentary strength training at literally five years old! He as also been athletic all of his life, and surprisingly played baseball almost daily as a child. All in all, I would recommend his book to any young athlete and also to parents of athletes who want to encourage their child to be competitive while also staying grounded in humility and faith in God. I was already a big Tebow fan (love how he wears his ministry on his face: "John 3:16"), and reading his book has made me want his jersey even more! :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm BAAACK! Just like Kimbo Slice

Hello all! It's been a while, but I'm back to my sports thing. It's actually not THE most fun time to be writing about sports right now, with all of the lock outs and uncertainty in the NFL and NBA, but it makes some other sports topics really juicy. For instance, former street fighter and MMA dud Kimbo Slice is a boxer now! He has his first fight on August 13th, and I'd like to definitely tune into it. I have to admit that it's not a surprise that he has gone the route of pro boxing as opposed to MMA. What was he thinking trying MMA ANYWAY? Bad idea, BAAAD idea. Kimbo did nothing but embarrass himself during most of his short career as a mixed martial artist. His wins were a fluke and his loses were horrendous! But, looking on the bright side, I expect him to do a bit better with boxing, being that street fighting is a lot closer to boxing than MMA. I know that he's a family man and has to put food on the table so I am also glad that he got a chance to make some more money fighting. My one concern? I think he may be too old! He's got to be pushing 40 at this point. I mean, 40 is not old in the global sense of the age, but it's sort of old to start a whole new boxing career and expect to have it last for a while. Okay...I have two concerns, Kimbo fights flatfooted! He's not "quick" and I can see him getting knocked out pretty fast if he doesn't get to his opponent first. Nevertheless, maybe this new addition of Kimbo to the boxing world will lend some rejuvenation into this seemingly dying sport. Good luck Kimbo!