Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tebow Talks!

I am reading Tim Tebow's memoir called Through My Eyes right now. Can't say that I am totally enthralled (it reads like a very young author wrote it, who has not experienced a full life yet), but it is a decent read. It gives a lot of insight on some of his upbringing, the philosophy behind the Tebow family and how he turned out to be such an outstanding young man and athlete. It starts out describing the difficulties that his mom endured during her pregnancy with him and during his delivery. He really is a miracle on legs! I am compelled to read the book as a mother, who has raised one son and who has two more sons to go. I would love for my younger sons to emulate their older brother (who does remind me a lot of Tim) and Tim! I can relate to the fact that Tim was home schooled, being that I home schooled my three older children for seven years, and I LOVED it. Reading his story just gives me positive feedback on the choice that I made to do it with my own kids. He also goes into his fitness regiment, which started at a VERY young age. He is really an anomaly, having started working out at such a young age without it stunting his growth! He began doing rudimentary strength training at literally five years old! He as also been athletic all of his life, and surprisingly played baseball almost daily as a child. All in all, I would recommend his book to any young athlete and also to parents of athletes who want to encourage their child to be competitive while also staying grounded in humility and faith in God. I was already a big Tebow fan (love how he wears his ministry on his face: "John 3:16"), and reading his book has made me want his jersey even more! :)