Monday, March 8, 2010

Bennny! Wassuuup?? many women will Ben Roethlisburger have to sexually assault before someone gets him some help...? Okay, to be fair, he "allegedly" assaulted two women: one last year and one just last week...but it's starting to look like at least ONE of these ladies are telling the truth. Is it me, or does Ben appear to be spiraling out of control? He is the "white wild child" of the NFL. He provides some relief to the black players stigma of being the usual trouble makers. What's his problem? I know he's still in his 20s, but his on the downside of being able to get away with utter foolish behavior, he's almost 30!! And is it ALSO just me, but has anyone else noticed that he looks like a dripping hot mess??! Sweaty, sloppy, smelly...ewww! He has a 100 million dollar contract, can't he afford to take a shower, shave, and cut his hair?? Anyway, let me not bash him, I just think he is setting a poor example and needs to show some responsibility. Wow....I wish we could go back to the days when athletes were heroes....*sigh*

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