Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I was WRONG!!

All right, all right, I admit it...I WAS WRONG! I was wrong about LeBron "Chump" James. Just Kidding! James may be a coward, but he's probably no chump. He just may finally get his first championship ring with the Miami Heat. I mean, if he can't do it there, he just can't do it ANYWHERE. Granted, it's in his right to want to win THAT bad, but he just totally trashed his legacy with this decision to go to Miami and blend in with two other super stars: Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. Even if he does win a ring, it will be bittersweet. No one will be calling him a legend 20 years after he retires. He'll just be "one of those good guys who played some good ball in his career." Despite the idea that what he has just done is tantamount to cheating, in my view, LeBron is a classic "mommas boy" and it's all too clear after this "leaving Cleveland for Miami" fiasco. Seriously, who tells the WHOLE world "I talked it over with my momma, and she said it was a good idea to go to Miami..." This kid just can't stop castrating and embarrassing himself, it seems. So...Miami has a super team and now a full roster. The pressure is on them. Let the games begin! It looks like the Eastern Conference is basically in the bag at this point, but time will tell. I have to say, I wonder what LeBron's strategy will be if he doesn't win right away in Miami? I can see them winning maybe one or two, but he won't get five or more there in the time he has left in his career....And now he is trying to make nicey nice with his hometown Akron, Ohio. On a positive note, maybe he will finally do the RIGHT thing and marry his two-time baby momma! Go Lakers!! :D

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