Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LT Has Left the Building....

Well, I always said I didn't want his career to end up like this, but Ladanian Tomlinson was released yesterday from the San Diego Chargers....very sad indeed. I mean, I saw it did he, but I was hoping he would just retire before he had to suffer the embarrassment and pain of being ASKED to leave, ya know? To be honest, LT is an old running back, most of them don't last as long as he has. And he has had a few marginal and just flat out bad years lately. He's been injured a lot, a sure sign that his body is feeling a little battered. Okay, a LOT battered. Poor thing. Actually, I really didn't understand why he was trying to hang in there so long, he's a sure shoe in for the Hall of Fame already. I was hoping that this would finally convince him he should retire. Then I realized...LT has no super bowl ring!! And I have to admit, he just can't go out like that! It's the same reason T.O. keeps playing musical teams instead of just retiring to celebutante heaven. He wants a ring too! I guess, they both feel like even if you have to reel them in sitting in wheelchairs, and they are sharing a locker with their grandsons, they just gotta get their ring! We know how T.O. has managed since he's pimped himself out to any team who shows interest, but where will LT go from here? He's clearly not done the question is, where can he go where he won't feel like a second fiddle? Or like it's a mercy sign on? He definitely won't be the starter, so is the number two RB title gonna work for LT? Only time will tell, and we'll see who bites. Godspeed LT!

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