Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh Manning!

What a game! What a season! I called it, and it was amazing that it came true. The two teams who deserved to be in the superbowl the most actually ended up facing each other. What a perfect culmination to a season where they topped all the other teams in wins and in the case of the New Orleans Saints, even in points! The Colts and the Saints match up will be legendary in superbowl history, no doubt. It was a perfectly played game by both teams, yet, of course, everyone knows that the Saints won, bless their hearts. I must admit, I was certainly rooting for them. How can there be a professional NFL team in existence that has NEVER gone to OR won a superbowl game?? Just seems hard to fathom. It's wonderful to see Drew Brees finally getting the recognition as a quarterback that he is deserved; maybe he might even garner the salary he deserves too now (talk is, he's the 17th highest paid quarterback in the league). I'm sure he gets SO tired of all the Peyton Manning mania. And speaking of which, Peyton reportedly didn't even go over and congratulate Brees! No handshake from Pey Pey...booooo what a disgrace! He should at least be happy for Brees, he knows how it feels to finally win a superbowl title after years of hard work. Goodness, he just won his first a couple of years ago. And I'll just go on out and say it...Pey Pey blew the game, LOL. Some folks are trying to lay the blame on Hank Baskett for letting the ball bounce off of him during the Saints on side kick...but nah. At that point, the Colts were still winning and they even scored again very soon after the third quarter began. It was that interception Peyton threw in the fourth quarter. Sorry!! Anyway, what a great game, I'm still reeling about it. Congratz to the Saints on a season and job well done! :D

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