Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When Will They Just Let Kobe be??!!

For the love of Pete! When will they STOP comparing Kobe to every basketball player that EVER loved?? Seriously...if so many people are interested in discrediting him, why is he always the marker for greatness?? Is so and so better than...Kobe?...and is so and so is better than Kobe? Geez Louize! Just let the man play ball! The new comparison o'day is Magic Johnson. Some manboy journalist, because journalists have nothing better to do than make man lists and create pissing contests, started the discussion on "who is the ultimate, all time BEST Laker." This on the cusp of Kobe breaking Jerry West's most points scored for the Laker organization. Geesh, couldn't even let the man relish in a huge accomplishment without trying to put him in his imaginary place. It's pathetic. So, the "boyz" have been discussing it, and what a surprise! Most say Magic Johnson is the ultimate bestest Laker player EVER..not Kobe. Now I'm a huge Magic fan, the man personifies basketball, but are they serious? If God wills, Kobe has at least five more years on the court. Five more years to break WAY more records that magic was ever in the running for. So let's just be real guys. These guys, HA! They had to literally event new criteria for what makes a player great in order to edge Kobe out of the spotlight. "Well, well...magic has..nobbier knees than Kobe..he's paid his dues, THAT'S why he's the bestest Laker player EVER." Get out of here with that garbage. poor Kobe. People complain about him being arrogant, but he basically has to be in order to front off all the madness being thrust at him out there in the media. *sigh* Boyz will be boyzzz! :D

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