Thursday, November 5, 2009

Romo the Bozo

Romo is a silly clown. I can't believe I actually used to like this guy. Everyone thought that T.O. (the number 1 receiver for the Cowboys at the time) was just being a baby when he complained that Tony Romo wouldn't throw him the ball. Well guess what? Roy Williams, the NEW number 1 wide receiver is complaining that Romo the clown is doing the same thing to him! So, here's the million dollar question, is Romo the problem or the number 1 receivers? I'd say it's two to one that Romo is!! What's worse is, I really think that Romo was the main reaosn behind the Cowboys trading T.O. to the Buffalo Bills. Yeah....I think everyone owes my boy T.O. an apology.

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