Tuesday, June 30, 2009

GOSSIP: Baby Momma Drama....

Dear Dirk, what were you thinking? Dirk Nowitski has joined the ranks of the now infamous star athletes who are repeatedly blinded by sex-goggles. Dirk plays for the Dallas Mavericks, let me add he is a STAR player for the Mavericks, no doubt. So does someone want to tell me WHY he had that crazy grifter Crystal Taylor living in his house? Why were they "engaged?" And WHY did he have unprotected sex with her and get her pregnant? Why do these pro athletes hate wearing condoms? Why do they insist on leaving babies all over the country? Why, why why? LOL, well Dirk's "girl" is now serving a sentence for fraud in a Missouri jail. Yep, she's pregnant and in jail.....*sigh* I like Dirk, I hope he gets through this drama. At least he is a stand up guy. He says that if the baby is his, he will seek full custody. That is a first for these guys I think!! Kudos to Dirk for coming to his senses and being willing to accept his responsibilities! That's looking on the bright side of a bad situation. :)

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