Monday, December 28, 2009

Back in the Day.....

Is it me, or do they just not make NFL ball players like they used to? It's not just me! It's true, and that was proven to me over this past weekend. I was fortunate enough to have a sit down talk with two former NFL players from "back in the day" and it was fantastic! I sat there enthralled listening to their stories and hearing how things were in the game of pro football in the late 70s and early 80s. Kenny Harrison was drafted to the San Francisco 49ers in 1976, and played the wide receiver position for them for two years. He has quintessential "wide receiver hands." They are huge, LOL. He went on to play for the Washington Redskins for one year in 1980. He played with Tony Dungy and even roomed with him on a road trip once. He is a very lean man at 6'1, so I asked him how he liked taking those hits, his reply was "They couldn't catch me." Tadow! I believe it. Kenny is still a very athletic man, working with high school students in track and field, and looks more fit than some men half his age. And the NFL blood runs in the family, whereas Kenny's brother, Dwight Harrison, also had a long NFL career. Cedrick Hardman also played for the 49ers from 1970-1979, and he and Kenny are good friends. Cedrick is 100% ALL man defensive end, even to this day! I'm telling you, he's the kind of end that would stare across the line at the other OE and smile while chewing a mouth full of nails. And his voice sounds like he's done that more than a few times! He still has his football player stature and physique and the word TOUGH doesn't describe this man! When asked if he had ever broken any bones, his reply was "I've broken a few on other players." OUCH! He went on to play for my Oakland Raiders from 1980-1981. He won Superbowl 15 with the Raiders and he let me hold his ring! Yes, I actually held a superbowl ring in my little hands.....I LOVE diamonds, even manly diamonds on a superbowl ring. In all, Cedrick played pro ball for 13 years, and he has the war scars to prove it. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting across from these two veterans discussing, what I believe is, the best era for NFL football EVER. In my view, the boys nowadays try to do their thing, but they just don't seem to have all of the heart and pure love for football that the "back in the day" guys did. When you hear these men reminisce, you hear the camaraderie that was so important. It wasn't just about who could get the highest contract amounts, who got the spotlight on the field, and all the razzle dazzle off of the field. Getting a superbowl ring was about "teamwork" and a collective accomplishment. That sentiment doesn't seem to be the focus with players today. So, thanks Kenny and Cedrick for setting a wonderful example for the NFL hopefuls out there! Kudos! :)

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