Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If You Can't Tame a Tiger....

Set him free?? I dunno, all kind of skankalicious wimin coming out of the woodwork claiming that Tiger "hit it." Not looking good for the Tiger! Is it possible that he does like to roam after all? But, I can't say I totally believe it. Yes, his "accident" seems suspect, and it does sound like he endured a "wife beating" before he ran out of the house to safety. Something about a wife that just gives her the ability to whoop her husbands azz if he deserves it. Tiger's wifey says she was trying to "rescue him," and I...sort of believe her. I think she may have confronted him about the National Enquirer article and they argued. But I don't think she really believes he cheated on her. Not sure who all of these other women are, and what their motive is (publicity of course!!), but I have faith in Tiger. As far as I'm concerned, he's innocent until proven guilty. Anyway, Tiger got cited, but they aren't gonna bring criminal charges against him...my question is, for what? What did he do wrong?? Alas, I don't this story is going away any time soon. Grrrrrrrr!


  1. Hello gorgeous, hope you are well. Things been happening, and now child free, an artist is reborn. Wish I could have gotten to know you better. You are a spitfire,
    your admirer, Donald
