Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just a Little Too Late???

It's amazing how some NFL teams have had "resurrections" at this point in the season, and how some have seemed to just wither away. Case in point, the Tennessee Titans and the Buffalo Bills. Since the Titans have put Vince back in the driver's seat, they have won 5 games in a row. Vince is performing well after warming the bench for the last part of last season and the first part of this one. Similarly, T.O. has seemed to have an awakening with the Buffalo Bills. He had a 98 yard touchdown just a couple of weekends ago, and has seemed to not even look back. His performance has looked like the old T.O. ever since. But why all the late heroics? It's a long shot that either team will make the playoffs. Why not just give up and ride the rest of the season out without risking injury by playing so hard? My theory is, it's "job security." These guys are probably already thinking of their work options for next year: they either want to maintain their positions or make sure they look good enough to get picked up next year. I think the former applies to Young, and the latter to T.O. He's a working Hall of Famer, but there's still life in the old boy yet!! On another note, what in the world happened to the New York Jets, the New England Patriots, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Denver Broncos?.....These guys have had the worst luck in the past few weeks, and their standings have suffered as a result. Not even sure if they will make the playoffs! We'll just have to see. Hmmmmmm

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