Monday, December 21, 2009

Favre Be Da Boss!!!!

LOL, okay, what does it mean for pro football when a quarterback overrules a head coach?! Apparently that's what happened Sunday night during the Carolina Panthers and Minnesota Vikings game. The Vikings played HORRIBLY *snicker,* and apparently their coach tried to bench "Brett the purple dinosaur" (Barney's brother, hehe) in the third quarter. Well, Favre seemed to have had a massive BF and the benching thing didn't happen ya'll! Ultimately, the Vikings ended up losing the game with a deplorable score of 24-7. But, all in all, it's no real biggie that they lost, they are still 11-3 for the season so far and are definitely playoff bound. Heck, I'd say they are probably the STRONGEST team heading for the playoffs. That said, the coach, Brad Childress, was wrong, in my view. Why bench Favre just because in ONE game his offense was only able to garner 7 points? So the backup qb is gonna do better? Please, it's just one game! Sounds to me like the Childress and Favre have some "bad blood" between them. Well, if they didn't before, they certainly do NOW, haha. I'd also imagine that Favre pulling rank over the coach will not sit quite well with his fellow players....personally, even if he were right in theory, I still wouldn't like that dude. I say, 'twill be an interesting remainder of the season for the Vikings organization. Hmmmmmm....


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