Monday, December 14, 2009

NFL Hall of Fame...or Superbowl Ring?

Hmmmmm, I had a thought today, I wonder which is more of an accomplishment to a player: being inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame, even though they never received a Superbowl ring; or being a "good" player but not good enough for the HOF and leaving the game with a Superbowl ring? I am sure this is T.O.'s, Randy Moss,' and Ladanian Tomlinson's dilemma right now! They are all basically HOF players who are still in the game. They are all players who are aging and their bodies won't last too much. As a matter of fact, Ladanian's body will probably give out in the next year or so, whereas running backs like him don't usually have long NFL careers (too much wear and tear on the body). T.O. and Moss are wide receivers, but still, they are getting up there in age, they won't be able to go long and see a ball coming at them forever! I mean, even though T.O. is a workout demon, he will undoubtedly be getting really tired in the next couple of years, I mean the man is pushing 36 years old! I just KNOW that he wants to hang on to garner that ring! Poor thing...based on how he is being passed around and to whom, I really don't think he's gonna get out of the game with that coveted ring. Moss may have a small chance, because he plays for the New England Patriots and with one of the best qb in the game right now: Tom Brady. But T.O.? Not so much, he plays for the Buffalo Bills and NO ONE is impressed, haha. So, that makes me wonder, if any of these fellas end their careers without ever getting that ring, will their HOF status be bittersweet to them??....Makes you go "hmmmmmm." Personally, I think I'd want either that ring or to have BOTH. :D

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