Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Well, Well, Well.....

It's getting down to the wire. The NFL playoffs are just weeks away. It's pretty much a clinched deal that the Saints have won the NFC division title and that the Colts have won the AFC division title. It also seems like a clincher that these two teams will match up in the Superbowl, but not so fast. The playoffs are an entirely different animal than the regular season. Yes, they are both undefeated, but an undefeated season doesn't always speak to a team's real ability. Some of those wins were what I call "squeakers:" meaning they just squeaked by and ended up with the win. Also, they don't always play the same teams in the regular season that they will end up playing in the playoffs, so regular season foes may not be a good representation of the playoff ones. See, that's the thing about the NFL playoffs (different than the NBA): it's "do or die." It doesn't matter what your regular season was like, you lose one game in the playoffs and it's adios. How frustrating would it be for a team to go undefeated in the regular season and get knocked off with their first playoff game? LOL And technically, once the playoffs start, a teams regular season record doesn't even matter any more. That's why I don't really enjoy the NFL playoffs like I do the NBA playoffs. (I usually don't even start watching NBA games UNTIL the playoffs start!). I'd rather just hold my breath until I see which two teams are going to the Superbowl. Anywho, I sure am happy for my boys the Saints, but, I have to admit that having an undefeated regular season can often set a team up to fail in the playoffs and I'm real nervous about their Superbowl prospects. Hmmmmmmm

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