Tuesday, October 27, 2009

O Happy Day!

I was right! The Vikings lost this past Sunday. PAAAAAARTAY!! Now let's hope the Broncos follow suit this coming weekend after being saved by the buy this past weekend! LOL I was also pleased to see that my Saints and Colts kept up their winning ways! So far, it's a pretty exciting season!! :)

Sore Losers!

Wow...I can hardly believe all of the fall out from the Machida/Rua bout on UFC 104 this past weekend. I mean, I watched it, I saw it from start to finish, and never did I think that Machida was for sure gonna lose that fight. Granted, it was close, but I knew that Rua just didn't beat the champ. For one, the only aggressive moves that came from Rua were muay thai kicks and a couple of attempted take downs. Yes, those kicks hurt, anyone could see that based on the bruises on Machida's thigh's and the grimaces on his face afterwards. But hurting someone and winning a fight are two different things. Look, I am a novice at MMA and a chick as well, but even I could see that Rua was barely landing any attempted strikes. Almost every time he kicked Machida, he got a love tap in the face for kicking him. Points to Machida! Machida has a 65% positive strike average and that was evident during the fight. Yes, Rua gave him a hard time and even his first round losses ever, but Rua did not beat the champ, plain and simple. And in the end, the judges saw what I saw. Yep, little 'ol me. While a lot of crusty MMA fans are crying over Rua's loss---saying "foul" just because Rua happened to kick Machida a few times and tried a couple of unsuccessful take downs---I'm seeing that MMA IS actually a legitimate sport and not governed by emotions and dramatic effects like WWF. Come on fellas! How do I know more about this sport than you all do??? Can't beat the champ by hurting his thighs and giving him a bruise on his ribs. The only way to know for sure, unequivocally, that you won a fight is to FINISH IT. Knock'em out, and make darn sure it doesn't go to the judges. Especially in a title match! Otherwise, it's a likely chance the champ won't be dethroned (except in the match between Rampage Jackson and Forrest Griffin, but that's another story). On the flip side, it was also evident to me that Machida possibly didn't take Rua seriously, and his legs paid a heavy price for it; Muay Thai is definitely a formidable challenge for Karate. Nevertheless, the moral to this story is: never assume someone has won a fight if there wasn't a tap out, TKO or knock out. And never assume someone is landing a punch, wracking up points, just because they throw one. The end. Now on to the rematch. :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Loser Countdown

Okay, at this point there are only four undefeated NFL teams: Indianapolis Colts, Denver Broncos, New Orleans Saints, and Minnesota Vikings. I'm really pleased about the Saints being undefeated! I've waited for them to be really relevant for a LONG time now, since my boy Reggie Bush got drafted there in 2006. Granted, Reggie has suffered from the infamous "Heisman curse," but nevertheless, I still love the Saints because he's a part of them. Go Trojans!! Anyway, I'm also happy for the Colts, I like Peyton Manning, seems like a real stand up guy who keeps his nose clean as a player. But the two teams who were spawned by Satan are the Vikings and the Broncos!!! Me no likey! me want them to LOSE!!! Therefore, I predict that the Broncos will be the first to end their winning streak, followed by the Vikings. PLEASE let them be first! I really would love for the Saints to keep their winning streak. And I'm cool with the Colts keeping theirs too. So, let's see what happens this weekend!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Machida Magic

Well it's getting closer and closer to the UFC 104 event which will headline Lyoto Machida vs. Mauricio "Shogun" Rua! This is a fight for the light heavyweight title and is taking place in my neck of the woods: the Staples Center in Los Angeles. I love Lyoto Machida as a mixed martial artist because he is the only fighter I know of that uses karate as his striking method, and I am a huge fan of the karate technique and discipline. I came across an interesting video of Machida's last fight against Rashad Evans, where Machida won by knock out. Thought it might be an interesting watch, so check it out!

My Bad....

Okay, I admit it, I've been really neglectful of major league baseball these past few months. I haven't had much to say about it, and I hadn't even watched a game before this past Saturday. But since it's the playoffs, I feel that baseball fever coming on a little bit. The game on Saturday went for 12 innings, with the Yankees coming out on top in the end. There were some good strike outs, good triple plays, and a home run by A-Rod. Good stuff indeed! Granted, I'd still rather attend a baseball game than watch one on the telly, it was kind of exciting watching the Angels play the Yankees in game number three. The Yankees seemed to be giving the Angels a run for their money with a 2-0 lead in the series, but it looks like the Angels may be chugging along to a tied series. Right now, the Yankees lead the series 2-1. Stay tuned! I know I will. Go Angels!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

NFL Kickers With Two Left Feet!

I don't think I've been more frustrated watching NFL football as I was this weekend watching two crutch time games: one between the Minnesota Vikings and the Baltimore Ravens, and one between the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills. In both games, the ball game boiled down to the kickers. And in both games....the kickers were boneheads and missed EASY kicks!! I was SO mad after watching Minnesota win their game against Baltimore, that I actually walked away cursing and mumbling to myself like a crusty old man. It was .38 seconds left in the game, the score is 31-33, Minnesota up. Baltimore has a chance to win it with a 3 pointer kick, and what does the kicker do?? Kicked the ball like a fifth grader! Right past the goal, far left. I think I could have kicked it better. Ridiculous. I really wanted the Vikings to lose too. And in the other game between the Jets and the Bills, they ended up going to over time because the dumb kicker missed another easy kick! Luckily, he got his chance to come back out and win it, but it would have been over if he would have done his thing like he was supposed to the first time.....where is the NFL recruiting these bunk kickers from?? Lead Foot University?? Geesh!

Friday, October 16, 2009

No Show, T.O.

Well, it's official...T.O.'s stint with the Buffalo Bills was a bust. And it's not his fault. He can't drop a ball that's never thrown to him. Right? Anyway, it's back to the drawing board as there are talks that he me traded to the Chicago Bears before that deadline next week. I say let him go! He doesn't need to be marginalized this late in his career. And Buffalo is missing out on some Hall of Fame talent. Yes, let T.O. team up with Cutler, who has been doing fabulous after falling flat in his first season game. Cutler's numbers and fearless attitude about throwing the ball down field represents the kind of quarterback T.O. should be playing with. A mediocre quarterback often causes a mediocre performance out from his wide receivers. Well, nothing is finalized or even confirmed about a T.O. switcharoo, but I'll sure be keeping my eyes and ears open on this one. ;)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'd Like An Audience Please......

As far as I'm concerned, the two "villains" of the NFL this year are Michael Crabtree and Josh McDaniels. Some people say they are just "shrewd" and behaved like any man should who wants to get ahead. I say, they thought about number one "themselves." I don't like them, but guess what, they seem to be getting the best that the NFL has to offer so far. Crabtree finally got a deal that made him come out his crab shell. He pouted just long enough to garner a 5 year, 17 mil guaranteed contract with a cap at 32 mil. That cap is basically higher than the guy (Bey) on the Raiders who started his tantrum in the first place. So guess what, now that he has gotten his way "he is humbled." Humble?? Dude, that word shouldn't even come near your mouth. You wouldn't know humility if it jumped up and slapped you on your high and mighty azz. And Josh McDirty Daniels has led his Bronco team to an undefeated season so far. Is that luck of the Irish, or did he channel his father Satan for a favor? Yeah, way to go teach the younguns that it's okay to be underhanded to get what you want (try to trade your quarterback behind his back), because you'll end up on top anyway if you ALWAYS put yourself first. Remember kiddies, think of the BIG picture when it's a big picture of YOU....I shake my head in disgust over these two "gentlemen." It's a shame what some folks have relegated pro football to; and sadly, sometimes success is all you need to justify bad behavior. Cut throat, like a bunch of crabs in a barrel pulling one another down while trying to climb up. I'm done pontificating, I'm out of this mug...*throws down the microphone*

Monday, October 12, 2009

OMG! I Broke a Nail!

Okay...the NFL needs to stop wimp-a-fying it's quarterbacks. No one wants to watch a game and see quarterbacks playing who may wear panties. Every time you turn around, there's a flag being thrown for "roughing the passer." They're footballers first and quarterbacks second and that's what football is all about: getting hit, being tough! Since when do they make quarterbacks who can't take a hit? Who would rather run from a defender and throw an intentional grounding ball, than look out for a wide receiver to throw the ball too? Granted, sometimes it's wise for a QB to throw a ball away if they don't see someone in the open to throw it too rather than lose yardage if he gets sacked, but I swear I've seen receivers out there waving their hands for the ball while QBs are tip toeing and "jete"-ing away from defenders trying to avoid being touched. We need to go back to the days when the QBs were up for a little rough and tumble, like Joe Namath, Joe Theismann, and Doug Williams. Them were MANLY men, not like these quarterbacks o'day who get manicures, take modeling pics, and get matching eyebrows like their wives (ahem Tom Brady). Something needs to be done about these ticky tack flags for roughing the passer. Let the boys play ball!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Gold For Golf??!

Oh, what is this? What in the world is this? Golf has been included as a legitimate sport for the 2016 Olympics! I dunno, I might be off base, but I really see this as a snoozefest event. Don't get me wrong, I love golf. We had a golf course near my house when I was growing up and I often frequented it with my dad to watch him play. I loved playing with his golf clubs when he wasn't around too!! But golf is just not really exciting...unless Tiger is playing it. And Tiger is not an amateur golfer!! I rarely watch golf now with the pros, why would I want to watch amateurs play? There are other events in the Olympics that bore me, like cross country running and "competitive walking" LOL. Why would they add another sport to make those look like fun? Hopefully, they will take these next four years to really evaluate how they're gonna make this work. And who knows, maybe Rio is the best spot for it to make it's debut. They can have Carnival dancers on the side shaking their booties between swings! LOL

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Raunchy Raider!

Ummmm, what kind of coach hits his own staff? Looks like the Raiders coach is that kind of guy, and also one who might be going to jail. Where'd the Raiders get this guy? Someone has just GOT to put on a thinking cap in that organization. They haven't the slightest clue what to do next. And by "they" I mean Al Davis. The Raiders are cursed beyond cursed. They are the black hole of the NFL. Players go in there, and disappear until they are traded to other teams. Case in point, Randy Moss, who seemed to do nothing but smoke pot while with the Raiders, but is piling on the numbers playing for the New England Patriots. And now this, the head coach is a GANGSTA?! Tom Cable....did you pass Kindergarten? Didn't they teach you to keep your hands to yourself? Wow...NFL head coaches with no impulse control. What's next, coaches who also moonlight as strippers? Well, at the least, Cable will be suspended, which means the Raiders will have to adjust to a new coach. WONDERFUL! And, ummm, doesn't he bear a strong resemblance to Fred Flintstone? LOL, I'm just sayin....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Show Him the Money??

Oh...so NOW he wants to talk. The rookie from hell Michael Crabtree that is....What, is he getting ansy on the sidelines in his own little world, where he be the boss? Is he getting jealous watching his other first round draft pick bros bask in their glory? Perhaps he wants to go out there and razzle dazzle everyone with his skills. RIGHT! Too late buddy, because no ones cares to see what you have to offer any more. I hope Crabtree is fat and even slower than he was before the draft. I don't want to see him play. BUT supposedly he is back in negotiations with the San Francisco 49ers. Apparently, he's either broke or has come to his senses. My mother always told me to not "keep up with what the Joneses are doing." This whole thing is predicated on him looking over at the Raiders and and wanting what someone else has gotten. For him, it's all about the money. He's a prime candidate for becoming a kid who will get his contract, get out there on the field and do absolutely NADA, but rake in a check. Then he'll be done by the time he's eligible for free agency. And broke within five years. Yeah, I know this kid's story. He's a cautionary tale. And what will he stand to gain if he holds out and doesn't get his contract after all? He'll still be out of the money, and he'll have a side of a bad reputation to go along with that, thank you. I tell you, they just aren't making ball players like they used to. No dignity at all. We've got some who won't leave, even when they're gray and crusty. And younguns who think that they deserve it all without paying any dues. Hey Michael CRABtree, crawl back into your shell and hide, you crab!