Friday, October 9, 2009

Gold For Golf??!

Oh, what is this? What in the world is this? Golf has been included as a legitimate sport for the 2016 Olympics! I dunno, I might be off base, but I really see this as a snoozefest event. Don't get me wrong, I love golf. We had a golf course near my house when I was growing up and I often frequented it with my dad to watch him play. I loved playing with his golf clubs when he wasn't around too!! But golf is just not really exciting...unless Tiger is playing it. And Tiger is not an amateur golfer!! I rarely watch golf now with the pros, why would I want to watch amateurs play? There are other events in the Olympics that bore me, like cross country running and "competitive walking" LOL. Why would they add another sport to make those look like fun? Hopefully, they will take these next four years to really evaluate how they're gonna make this work. And who knows, maybe Rio is the best spot for it to make it's debut. They can have Carnival dancers on the side shaking their booties between swings! LOL

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