Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Loser Countdown

Okay, at this point there are only four undefeated NFL teams: Indianapolis Colts, Denver Broncos, New Orleans Saints, and Minnesota Vikings. I'm really pleased about the Saints being undefeated! I've waited for them to be really relevant for a LONG time now, since my boy Reggie Bush got drafted there in 2006. Granted, Reggie has suffered from the infamous "Heisman curse," but nevertheless, I still love the Saints because he's a part of them. Go Trojans!! Anyway, I'm also happy for the Colts, I like Peyton Manning, seems like a real stand up guy who keeps his nose clean as a player. But the two teams who were spawned by Satan are the Vikings and the Broncos!!! Me no likey! me want them to LOSE!!! Therefore, I predict that the Broncos will be the first to end their winning streak, followed by the Vikings. PLEASE let them be first! I really would love for the Saints to keep their winning streak. And I'm cool with the Colts keeping theirs too. So, let's see what happens this weekend!


  1. Hi Lori! How you like Reggie Bush's TD dive from the 6 yd line vs the Dolphins yesterday? Everytime people think hes a draft bust he reminds us hes the best athlete on the field. You have to see him in RL to appreciate him. The TV cameras dont show how he takes 2-3 guys out of the play just as a decoy because he is always accounted for on a play. I was at the Jets Dolphins game in the box, I was very impressed with Reggie regardless of the fumble.
