Friday, October 16, 2009

No Show, T.O.

Well, it's official...T.O.'s stint with the Buffalo Bills was a bust. And it's not his fault. He can't drop a ball that's never thrown to him. Right? Anyway, it's back to the drawing board as there are talks that he me traded to the Chicago Bears before that deadline next week. I say let him go! He doesn't need to be marginalized this late in his career. And Buffalo is missing out on some Hall of Fame talent. Yes, let T.O. team up with Cutler, who has been doing fabulous after falling flat in his first season game. Cutler's numbers and fearless attitude about throwing the ball down field represents the kind of quarterback T.O. should be playing with. A mediocre quarterback often causes a mediocre performance out from his wide receivers. Well, nothing is finalized or even confirmed about a T.O. switcharoo, but I'll sure be keeping my eyes and ears open on this one. ;)

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