Monday, October 5, 2009

Show Him the Money?? NOW he wants to talk. The rookie from hell Michael Crabtree that is....What, is he getting ansy on the sidelines in his own little world, where he be the boss? Is he getting jealous watching his other first round draft pick bros bask in their glory? Perhaps he wants to go out there and razzle dazzle everyone with his skills. RIGHT! Too late buddy, because no ones cares to see what you have to offer any more. I hope Crabtree is fat and even slower than he was before the draft. I don't want to see him play. BUT supposedly he is back in negotiations with the San Francisco 49ers. Apparently, he's either broke or has come to his senses. My mother always told me to not "keep up with what the Joneses are doing." This whole thing is predicated on him looking over at the Raiders and and wanting what someone else has gotten. For him, it's all about the money. He's a prime candidate for becoming a kid who will get his contract, get out there on the field and do absolutely NADA, but rake in a check. Then he'll be done by the time he's eligible for free agency. And broke within five years. Yeah, I know this kid's story. He's a cautionary tale. And what will he stand to gain if he holds out and doesn't get his contract after all? He'll still be out of the money, and he'll have a side of a bad reputation to go along with that, thank you. I tell you, they just aren't making ball players like they used to. No dignity at all. We've got some who won't leave, even when they're gray and crusty. And younguns who think that they deserve it all without paying any dues. Hey Michael CRABtree, crawl back into your shell and hide, you crab!

1 comment:

  1. Lori you should write for NFL Network or ESPN I totally agree with everything you say your awesome! While the rest of his teammates busted their butts in training camp preseason and begining of the season this guy is trying to squeeze that extra million out of the niners and you know he wont be another Jerry Rice. Selfish, this guy just had the american dream handed to him and he says its not enough? WOW!
