Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Raunchy Raider!

Ummmm, what kind of coach hits his own staff? Looks like the Raiders coach is that kind of guy, and also one who might be going to jail. Where'd the Raiders get this guy? Someone has just GOT to put on a thinking cap in that organization. They haven't the slightest clue what to do next. And by "they" I mean Al Davis. The Raiders are cursed beyond cursed. They are the black hole of the NFL. Players go in there, and disappear until they are traded to other teams. Case in point, Randy Moss, who seemed to do nothing but smoke pot while with the Raiders, but is piling on the numbers playing for the New England Patriots. And now this, the head coach is a GANGSTA?! Tom Cable....did you pass Kindergarten? Didn't they teach you to keep your hands to yourself? Wow...NFL head coaches with no impulse control. What's next, coaches who also moonlight as strippers? Well, at the least, Cable will be suspended, which means the Raiders will have to adjust to a new coach. WONDERFUL! And, ummm, doesn't he bear a strong resemblance to Fred Flintstone? LOL, I'm just sayin....


  1. I love the post and couldnt agree with you more.

  2. I asked my brothers and father if they think Cable looks like Fred Flinstones they all laughed and said yes he does.
