Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MMA Mania!

Mixed martial arts is on FYAH! Yeah, I'm really feelin' it ya'll. Some exciting stuff going on. There are some new weight category rankings. Check them out. They are all pretty right on point, though I'd like to see Anderson Silva rise up a little higher in the light middle weight category. Anderson was ranked number five....I don't like seeing him at number five in any ranking. Yes, I was mad at him for being Brazilian when Cyborg beat Gina Carano (WAHHHHHH!), but, I'm over it. ALSO in exciting MMA news, looks like the Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort is gonna happen. Yep, January 2, UFC 108. Hmmmm, that should be a good one. I am also looking forward to seeing Kimbo Slice have his first fight on The Ultimate Fighter tonight on Spike TV. I'm kind of nervous for the big fella, but I know he's determinied to make himself worthy of an UFC contract. He showed a lot of humility being willing to even be on that show after Dana White clowned him when he was fighting for EliteXC. And lastly, I heard through the grapevine that Randy Couture's ex wife is planning on fighting his next opponent's wife. Brandon Vera's wife, Kerry, is a kickboxer; and Randy's ex, Kim trains MMA. Both ladies fight for Strikeforce, it should be a pretty good match! Good stuff!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Buffalo Bills are full of Bull!

Okay, T.O. seems to be basically the best thing to happen to the Buffalo Bills in YEARS! So does someone want to tell me why their brilliant quarterback Trent Edwards WON'T just THROW HIM THE BALL?? I mean, the man is a veritable Hall of Famer and he's STILL in the game. How do you have a formidable weapon like that on your team and not use it? What kind of intelligence supports that decision? I don't care that T.O. is new, and that maybe Edwards doesn't "know him" well enough yet. Please, EVERYBODY who isn't mentally challenged knows what T.O. is capable of. He is capable of giving your team a win and making an 80 plus yard touchdown run. Simple, throw T.O. the ball, you will probably win. Don't throw him the ball for the WHOLE GAME and you will undoubtedly LOSE. And as for that clever little fan who dumped popcorn on T.O. after the game? I've got something for you. What game were you at? Were you that drunk that you didn't realize T.O. had nothing to do with your team losing? How does someone so stupid even have enough money to buy a ticket to a pro football game? Seriously, T.O. doesn't have to put up with this foolishness at the tail end of a spectacular NFL career. He is every bit of a football hero, his big mouth notwithstanding. He is just very misunderstood and should be treated with more respect. It's okay T.O.! Let's see what the Buffalo "Bull***ts" do without you! LOL

Friday, September 25, 2009

Crabby Crabapple Crabtree

What a little TOOL! I really hate to even give this little weeny any more press, but what in the bloody hell is wrong with Michael Crabtree? I mean, it actually seems likes it's been good for team moral to have him NOT show up. It has seemed to sharpen the San Francisco's 49ers resolve to do better without him, and they ARE! They go into this weekend of ballgames 2-0 and thus listed in the top 10 teams in the power rankings. Good for them! meanwhile, I still can't believe this kid is still holding out over a mere 5 million dollar discrepancy! The guy he's jealous of, Darrius Heyward Bey, was chosen instead of him by the Raider's team and signed a guaranteed 23.5 million dollar contract. The 49ers offered Crabtree 20 million (which is very handsome for someone drafted at number 10) and THAT sparked his little tantrum. I really don't like him. I don't ever want to see him play with a good contract. I want him to end up having to play minor league ball, or getting drafted number 40 in the 2010 draft and offered 3 million for one year! Arrogant little brat. What's interesting is that no one in his "camp" will admit to advising him to hold out. I guess that they are even embarrassed of the monster they've created now. I hope his standout teaches other rookies a lesson, which is why I hope he ultimately doesn't get his way! Booooo Crabtree! Go 49ers!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NFL Power Rankings are....Interesting

Okay, the power rankings are out for this week and I find the number one pick...interesting. Baltimore Ravens? Hunh? Where'd that come from? These guys seemed to come out of nowhere! They are 2-0, just like most of the other top 10 teams this week, but they got number one because of WHO they beat last week: San Diego Chargers and their big mouth quarterback Philip Rivers. I'm not hating on the Ravens, we need some fresh meat at the top. Actually, I am SO tired of hearing the same ol same ol in the power rankings, like the Patriots number one and/or Pittsburgh. More interesting, yet good news, is that my boys the New Orelan Saints are ranked number two. Yippeee! I'm a big Saints fan and I've been waiting for them to play some ball like their personnel is capable of. I've been waiting for Reggie Bush and Marques Colsten to do some DAMAGE. And they did just that last weekend by beating the Philadelphia Eagles REALLY bad. And MArk Sanchez, the trader, has really been showing out! So much so, his New York Jets rank at number four this week. BUMMER! Haha, not really, I guess mark made the right choice by leaving my Trojans high and dry in order to go pro. Well, one thing is for sure, the rankings won't last. They'll be different by next week, and probably just as....interesting. Hmmmmmm

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Congratulations to Peyton Manning for winning his 119th game as starting quarterback! Peyton seems like such a class act guy, and comes from good breeding, obviously. As I was watching the Mike & Mike show on ESPN this morning they were comparing Manning to Johnny Unitas because he broke his record for QB wins. That is so annoying to me. Can they ever just let a man accomplish something without having to steal his thunder and compare him to the ancients? They even asked Peyton last night about Unitas in his post game interview, I felt sorry for him, but he graciously answered the questions. I can't recall things being so comparative back in the day, when Joe Namath and Joe Theismann were playing. I'd say the players nowadays are breaking more records now than they did back then, but analysts just won't give them their due---at least they won't without also having to come back and remind them that someone else, long ago was better. What gives??? Anyway, hats off to our 21st century phenoms! It's truly a new day!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Serena has a BF!!!

Well, you can take the girl out of Compton but you can't take the Compton out of the girl after all. Serena, and I love her, has been trying to convince the world that she is dainty and has class for the last 10 years or so. I have to was working...until her "BF" at her U.S. Open semi-finals with that fuzzyheaded judge. I saw the video. I couldn't hear what she said, but I felt the Monifah coming out of her mouth! I read that loud and clear. She went ghetto fabulous on that judge and used the ball as her prop, for dramatic effect, as it were. Well, I wasn't mad at her when I watched the video, and I'm not mad now. What did we all expect? That she would be able to hide the fact that her body makes too much testosterone forever? LOL, I tease Serena a lot about her mannishness, but I really like her. And I consider her a lady, or at least a well trained lady o' day. By that I mean, she knows how to turn on the charm in a sport that requires a lot of decorum and pomp. Bottomline...I bet that judge will think twice the next time she makes a bad call during one of SERENA'S matches. And I bet she really was wrong after all anyway. And I don't look down on Serena at all just because she's really GANGSTA! TEAM SERENA! ;)

Monday, September 14, 2009

WOW! And Not In a Good Way...

I just watched one of the most painful NFL losses I think I have ever seen.....It's four o'clock, and there I was all excited to finally see the Buffalo Bills and my T.O play the New England Patriots. I was even feeling just a tad neutral because I was kind of excited for Tom Brady, since it was his first game back after being out all last season. The game is going well, the Bills are playing good. They are ignoring my man T.O. and not throwing him the ball, BUT they are delivering a winning game, so I'm forgiving their negligence. I'm even excited to see Randy Moss' ugly mug play a good game (mainly because in my heart, I just knew he was gonna lose anyway). So we get down to the wire, a ten point game in the Bills favor, then WHAMMO! The Patriots score an easy touchdown. THEN, some Bills player I don't even know pops a stupid pill before he runs on field and BLOWS the WHOLE game! Dude (who will remain nameless), makes a dumb run after he catches the ball and fumbles. All of this happening after the Patriots just scored a touchdown that brought them within 4 points of tying the game. UGH! And guess what happens, boys and girls? The Patriots recover the dimwits fumble and SCORE ANOTHER TOUCHDOWN......the game ends with the Pats winning 25 - 24. And....I'm the most disappointed I think I've EVER been after watching a team I like lose. This was the Bills chance to finally end a 12 game losing streak to the Pats in New England. *Sigh* Can football players be, like, fired?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gay All the Way!!

Tyson Gay is the little engine that could! He sure has some heart, doesn't he. In the race that Usain Bolt dropped out of because he was "fatugued," Tyson showed up and came out on top. Is it me, but didn't these two just run the same races in the World Championships? Shouldn't Tyson be tired too? Usain wimped out, he's got a big mouth, but can't hold up to it. Usain has been complaining about fatigue, "it's been a long year," whatever, shut your mouth and run. Or stop beating your chest, you're obviously not invincible, Mr. Bolt. Anyway, congratulations to Tyson, who beat Asafa Powell AGAIN with a 9.88 time in the 100m race in Greece today. Ahem, the race that Usain "insane" Bolt dropped out of becaue he was "tired"........yeah.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Castor! Say it Aint So!

Well it's official, Caster Semenaya, the woman who won the 800m gold medal in the IAAF World Championship track meet, is a hermaphrodite! She has no uterus, no ovaries, but she has a vaginal canal and internal testes....Okay, this is no medical mystery, happens all the time. However, she has no way of producing estrogen, so how can she be classified as a woman? In fact, she has all the parts to produce testosterone! Personally, I don't see how she could hang on to her gold medal. Those other women did not compete against their peer. She may be allowed to take estrogen and compete as a woman in the future, but I don't think she should not be allowed to keep her gold medal for her performance in the Championships this summer. It's just not fair to the other girls. I don't think she should be ostracized and treated like a freak, I just think that she should be a natural woman in order to compete with other natural women. Am I wrong about that? Hmmmmm.

Football Season is ON!!

I am, as we speak, watching the first football game of the season!! The game pits the fabulous superbowl champs Pittsburgh Steelers against the Tennessee Titans! Good lord, I'm so excited. Seems like this season was taking it's ever-loving time to begin. And these boys obviously need to do something with their time. Talk about causing trouble and getting into all kinds of mayhem! I dunno, is it just me? But haven't the boys been especially naughty this year? And in other news, looks like Brandon Marshall's whining has paid off for him. Again, he has proven the old adage that if you deliver for a team, you hold the "powers that be's" balls in your hands. Notwithstanding that Marshall is a wide receiver, the pun was intended. All I can say is, they couldn't stand to lose a another star player after letting Jay Cutler go. Also, we got quarterbacks scoring 90 million dollar contracts, and some quarterbacks taking pay cuts in order to attract good players to their team. Whoo! Fun times, let the games begin!!! :D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

USC, Baby!

My friend Craig filled me in on this awesome site dedicated to the strong tradition of USC in sports. Just thought I'd mention it here for all of us Trojans to appreciate. Go check it out! Even though I'm a tad concerned about what we're gonna bring out on the field this year, I'm still as excited as ever to watch us play. We have a freshman quarterback and a practically whole new defense, but we're still going in ranked number 4! FIGHT ON! We play Ohio State this weekend, all we can do is our best. Anyway, click here for the site. And enjoy this wonderful video. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

A-Rod Grabs a Handful!!

I guess Alex Rodriguez is a boob man! Dude copped an easy feel from a Toronto police woman as he collided with her during the NY Yankees game with the Blue Jays last night. Well, I'm actually happy for him that he got a chance to touch a real woman, with some meat on her bones, since he's dating practically boobless Katie Holmes. LOL!

The Great Brazilian Hope....

Well God bless him, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira has gotten his swagger back! Not only did he win by decision against the MMA dinosaur Randy Couture in UFC 102, but after the fight he called out the jolly blond giant himself Brock Lesnar! I was SO excited to hear him mention the word "Lesnar" among the other almost unrecognizable English words he spoke through his heavy Brazilian accent during the post fight interview last Saturday night. Some may recall that after Lesnar destroyed Frank Mir in their heavyweight belt rematch fight, I prayed openly for someone to come down from wherever to give Brock a GOOD beat down. Looks like my prayers may have been answered! I think Nogueira has what it takes to beat Lesnar. He has stellar jujitsu skills, so when Brock does his usual "take a man down to ground and pound," Nogueira may just have something for him down there. I would love to see this cornfed Nordic throw back get submitted in round 2, so he can't claim that Nogueira "just got lucky" like he did when Mir submitted him in less than a minute in their first match. And this Nogueira win would be even more sublime because Mir beat him, giving him his first knockout loss, in UFC 92. So looks like Nogueira vs. Lesnar is going to happen! Let's get ready to rumble!! :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sportsbar Anyone?

Are there any other ladies out there who LOVE going to sports bars?? Well, maybe it's just me, but I LOVE them. It's common practice for me to make a lunch date with a gal pal and pick a sports bar for the hook up spot. My friends are often baffled by my choice when we get there, but I pay them no mind and nudge them in anyway. It's not uncommon for me to have one eye and ear in the conversation, and the other eye and ear focused on the myriad sporting events being displayed on multiple TV screens. Yes, lunch dates usually have a dual purpose for me....and they often include sports. Heck, I even enjoy going to Hooters!! I'm secure enough, mainly because my hooters are often bigger than the Hooter waitresses, LOL. Anyway, I love the smell and color of the dark leather seats, the naked walnut/oak wooden tables, the dark tone colors that encompass the design schemes, and the low mumble of male voices drinking tall ones that usually make up the sports bar experience. But then again, maybe that's just me. :)


Well, looks like the CFL read my blog after all! LOL, O dear how arrogant of me. But seriously, two days after I blog about Adam "Packidee Wack-man" Jones being signed to play for one year with a team in Canada, reports surface that the team, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, won't be signing Sir Sin-a-lot after all. Looks like they've come to their senses, and checked out his background. My question is, why didn't they do this before hand?? It's not like any of this guy's antics over the years have been a secret. How could they have been so obsessed with winning games that they were willing to consider signing him in the first place? This is why I am enjoying reading Tony Dungy's book "Uncommon." He talks a lot about "character" and how the Colts organization has a rule about only drafting or accepting players based on their character as well as their abilities. In fact, he said that when they evaluate players in the NFL draft they have a category on their evaluation forms called "DNDC" or "Do Not Draft because of Character." This practice is exactly why the Colt's have had such a successful run for the past 10 years, and why Dungy had been such an integral part of their success. That said, I really think this Jones kid needs to go back to the basics before he tries to run with the big boys again. He needs a life do-over, and there's no shame in that. The shame is in him thinking that he can go around showing his azz and expect life not to kick it. LOL

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pacman, Wack-man!

Could folks PLEASE stop financing Adam "Pacman" Jones' road to destruction? Please? Someone please just gently nudge this fella towards the light instead of giving him money. Sigh...deep, heavy sigh...I guess Pacman is using his 8th pro football life to play in the Canada Football league (CFL) for one year. Yes, CANADA, how desperate. I wanted to wish this kid well LAST YEAR. I wanted to believe he could get his act together and use his talents when the Cowboys picked him up. Alas, I think he is just too stripper-whipped to be of any good to himself or any professional sports organization. Thus, he left the country to play and practice his debauchery in peace. Seriously, they say that "youth is wasted on the young" and this guy proves that. I don't want to be a sour puss, but I just can't get optimistic about his career move. I don't think he will EVER make it back to the NFL. The NFL only had one bad boy golden ticket and they just gave it to Michael Vick. Granted, Pacman has never been incarcerated, but he might as well have been! He has been doing nothing but being a colossal pain in the arse since he first got drafted (pun intended)! Anyway, I won't watch a single Canadian football game, and I hope he plays a few more years there and finds God. And if he decides to try his hand at a rap career, I'll SCREAMMMMM! LOL