Thursday, September 10, 2009

Castor! Say it Aint So!

Well it's official, Caster Semenaya, the woman who won the 800m gold medal in the IAAF World Championship track meet, is a hermaphrodite! She has no uterus, no ovaries, but she has a vaginal canal and internal testes....Okay, this is no medical mystery, happens all the time. However, she has no way of producing estrogen, so how can she be classified as a woman? In fact, she has all the parts to produce testosterone! Personally, I don't see how she could hang on to her gold medal. Those other women did not compete against their peer. She may be allowed to take estrogen and compete as a woman in the future, but I don't think she should not be allowed to keep her gold medal for her performance in the Championships this summer. It's just not fair to the other girls. I don't think she should be ostracized and treated like a freak, I just think that she should be a natural woman in order to compete with other natural women. Am I wrong about that? Hmmmmm.

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