Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pacman, Wack-man!

Could folks PLEASE stop financing Adam "Pacman" Jones' road to destruction? Please? Someone please just gently nudge this fella towards the light instead of giving him money. Sigh...deep, heavy sigh...I guess Pacman is using his 8th pro football life to play in the Canada Football league (CFL) for one year. Yes, CANADA, how desperate. I wanted to wish this kid well LAST YEAR. I wanted to believe he could get his act together and use his talents when the Cowboys picked him up. Alas, I think he is just too stripper-whipped to be of any good to himself or any professional sports organization. Thus, he left the country to play and practice his debauchery in peace. Seriously, they say that "youth is wasted on the young" and this guy proves that. I don't want to be a sour puss, but I just can't get optimistic about his career move. I don't think he will EVER make it back to the NFL. The NFL only had one bad boy golden ticket and they just gave it to Michael Vick. Granted, Pacman has never been incarcerated, but he might as well have been! He has been doing nothing but being a colossal pain in the arse since he first got drafted (pun intended)! Anyway, I won't watch a single Canadian football game, and I hope he plays a few more years there and finds God. And if he decides to try his hand at a rap career, I'll SCREAMMMMM! LOL

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