Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Buffalo Bills are full of Bull!

Okay, T.O. seems to be basically the best thing to happen to the Buffalo Bills in YEARS! So does someone want to tell me why their brilliant quarterback Trent Edwards WON'T just THROW HIM THE BALL?? I mean, the man is a veritable Hall of Famer and he's STILL in the game. How do you have a formidable weapon like that on your team and not use it? What kind of intelligence supports that decision? I don't care that T.O. is new, and that maybe Edwards doesn't "know him" well enough yet. Please, EVERYBODY who isn't mentally challenged knows what T.O. is capable of. He is capable of giving your team a win and making an 80 plus yard touchdown run. Simple, throw T.O. the ball, you will probably win. Don't throw him the ball for the WHOLE GAME and you will undoubtedly LOSE. And as for that clever little fan who dumped popcorn on T.O. after the game? I've got something for you. What game were you at? Were you that drunk that you didn't realize T.O. had nothing to do with your team losing? How does someone so stupid even have enough money to buy a ticket to a pro football game? Seriously, T.O. doesn't have to put up with this foolishness at the tail end of a spectacular NFL career. He is every bit of a football hero, his big mouth notwithstanding. He is just very misunderstood and should be treated with more respect. It's okay T.O.! Let's see what the Buffalo "Bull***ts" do without you! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Anyone can get a blog nowadays, huh?
    Watch the game and see TO halfassing his routes.
