Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Serena has a BF!!!

Well, you can take the girl out of Compton but you can't take the Compton out of the girl after all. Serena, and I love her, has been trying to convince the world that she is dainty and has class for the last 10 years or so. I have to was working...until her "BF" at her U.S. Open semi-finals with that fuzzyheaded judge. I saw the video. I couldn't hear what she said, but I felt the Monifah coming out of her mouth! I read that loud and clear. She went ghetto fabulous on that judge and used the ball as her prop, for dramatic effect, as it were. Well, I wasn't mad at her when I watched the video, and I'm not mad now. What did we all expect? That she would be able to hide the fact that her body makes too much testosterone forever? LOL, I tease Serena a lot about her mannishness, but I really like her. And I consider her a lady, or at least a well trained lady o' day. By that I mean, she knows how to turn on the charm in a sport that requires a lot of decorum and pomp. Bottomline...I bet that judge will think twice the next time she makes a bad call during one of SERENA'S matches. And I bet she really was wrong after all anyway. And I don't look down on Serena at all just because she's really GANGSTA! TEAM SERENA! ;)

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