Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gay All the Way!!

Tyson Gay is the little engine that could! He sure has some heart, doesn't he. In the race that Usain Bolt dropped out of because he was "fatugued," Tyson showed up and came out on top. Is it me, but didn't these two just run the same races in the World Championships? Shouldn't Tyson be tired too? Usain wimped out, he's got a big mouth, but can't hold up to it. Usain has been complaining about fatigue, "it's been a long year," whatever, shut your mouth and run. Or stop beating your chest, you're obviously not invincible, Mr. Bolt. Anyway, congratulations to Tyson, who beat Asafa Powell AGAIN with a 9.88 time in the 100m race in Greece today. Ahem, the race that Usain "insane" Bolt dropped out of becaue he was "tired"........yeah.

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