Friday, September 25, 2009

Crabby Crabapple Crabtree

What a little TOOL! I really hate to even give this little weeny any more press, but what in the bloody hell is wrong with Michael Crabtree? I mean, it actually seems likes it's been good for team moral to have him NOT show up. It has seemed to sharpen the San Francisco's 49ers resolve to do better without him, and they ARE! They go into this weekend of ballgames 2-0 and thus listed in the top 10 teams in the power rankings. Good for them! meanwhile, I still can't believe this kid is still holding out over a mere 5 million dollar discrepancy! The guy he's jealous of, Darrius Heyward Bey, was chosen instead of him by the Raider's team and signed a guaranteed 23.5 million dollar contract. The 49ers offered Crabtree 20 million (which is very handsome for someone drafted at number 10) and THAT sparked his little tantrum. I really don't like him. I don't ever want to see him play with a good contract. I want him to end up having to play minor league ball, or getting drafted number 40 in the 2010 draft and offered 3 million for one year! Arrogant little brat. What's interesting is that no one in his "camp" will admit to advising him to hold out. I guess that they are even embarrassed of the monster they've created now. I hope his standout teaches other rookies a lesson, which is why I hope he ultimately doesn't get his way! Booooo Crabtree! Go 49ers!!

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