Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well, looks like the CFL read my blog after all! LOL, O dear how arrogant of me. But seriously, two days after I blog about Adam "Packidee Wack-man" Jones being signed to play for one year with a team in Canada, reports surface that the team, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, won't be signing Sir Sin-a-lot after all. Looks like they've come to their senses, and checked out his background. My question is, why didn't they do this before hand?? It's not like any of this guy's antics over the years have been a secret. How could they have been so obsessed with winning games that they were willing to consider signing him in the first place? This is why I am enjoying reading Tony Dungy's book "Uncommon." He talks a lot about "character" and how the Colts organization has a rule about only drafting or accepting players based on their character as well as their abilities. In fact, he said that when they evaluate players in the NFL draft they have a category on their evaluation forms called "DNDC" or "Do Not Draft because of Character." This practice is exactly why the Colt's have had such a successful run for the past 10 years, and why Dungy had been such an integral part of their success. That said, I really think this Jones kid needs to go back to the basics before he tries to run with the big boys again. He needs a life do-over, and there's no shame in that. The shame is in him thinking that he can go around showing his azz and expect life not to kick it. LOL

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