Monday, September 14, 2009

WOW! And Not In a Good Way...

I just watched one of the most painful NFL losses I think I have ever seen.....It's four o'clock, and there I was all excited to finally see the Buffalo Bills and my T.O play the New England Patriots. I was even feeling just a tad neutral because I was kind of excited for Tom Brady, since it was his first game back after being out all last season. The game is going well, the Bills are playing good. They are ignoring my man T.O. and not throwing him the ball, BUT they are delivering a winning game, so I'm forgiving their negligence. I'm even excited to see Randy Moss' ugly mug play a good game (mainly because in my heart, I just knew he was gonna lose anyway). So we get down to the wire, a ten point game in the Bills favor, then WHAMMO! The Patriots score an easy touchdown. THEN, some Bills player I don't even know pops a stupid pill before he runs on field and BLOWS the WHOLE game! Dude (who will remain nameless), makes a dumb run after he catches the ball and fumbles. All of this happening after the Patriots just scored a touchdown that brought them within 4 points of tying the game. UGH! And guess what happens, boys and girls? The Patriots recover the dimwits fumble and SCORE ANOTHER TOUCHDOWN......the game ends with the Pats winning 25 - 24. And....I'm the most disappointed I think I've EVER been after watching a team I like lose. This was the Bills chance to finally end a 12 game losing streak to the Pats in New England. *Sigh* Can football players be, like, fired?

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