Monday, August 31, 2009

THIS Is Why I HATE Pre-Season Football!

INJURIES!! Seriously, I hate preseason football because it can and usually does knock certain teams out of a possibly good position before the season even starts! Because of injuries. So far, the count for star players with preseason injury issues is getting higher. Let's see, there is T.O. with an injured toe, Tom Brady just hurt his right shoulder, Matt Cassel (who just signed a multi-million dollar contract) just injured his leg, and the ever so lucky Denver Broncos just lost their starting QB, Lyle Orton to a gashed finger injury. Also, some lesser players get hurt in the preseason and it ends their careers. Granted, it's par for the course--gotta have a preseason--and most of these injuries are sort of minor and won't make much of an impact on these players playing time in the regular season. BUT I just wish that they didn't have to play so many preseason games and take the risks. It should be shorter and possibly bi-monthly instead of every week. HEY! I don't have the answers here! But I'm just saying I don't like it...I'm just saying..... :P

Friday, August 28, 2009

Denver, Denver, Denver

Well, it looks like "schleprock" has entered the Denver Broncos building disguised as Josh McDaniels. Ever since this cat got hired on as the new head coach, he has done nothing but wreak havoc for the team. First, he is highly to blame for the team losing their starting quarterback Jay Cutler by going behind Jay's back and courting another QB to take his starting position (for no good reason I might add!!!). Second, the new "star and hope" of the team Brandon Marshall gets suspended for "misconduct." Hmmmmm. Well, Brandon has been missing practices during training camp and acting "insubordinate" when he does show up. If so, he deserves to be reprimanded for that. But it turns out, Brandon is not happy with his contract and basically withholding the luv until the numbers add up. Good lord! How unlucky can one guy be! You try to get rid of a good player, for no good reason, he finds out and leaves you high and dry. Then the guy you want to keep is an A-hole, greedy primadonna who "doesn't wanna play if he doesn't get his way" so you have to end up suspending him anyway. HAHAHA! I dunno. But it doesn't look like McDaniels has the luck of the Irish. The season hasn't even started and he is crashing and burning. :p

Scribbling Serena

I love it! I love how sports stars are getting heavily into the memoir game. I mean, if former rock star drug addicts can write a book chronicling their rise and fall in life, why shouldn't a successful athlete give us the inside scoop on their life success. I just bought former NFL coach Tony Dungy's book called "Uncommon" and I can't wait to read it. But, when I picked that one up, I noticed that Serena also has a "memoir" out now called "On The Line." Wonderful! Well, I know that she is only 27 years old and by that number she shouldn't really have a whole lot to say about her life, but I think she has really lived a very full life thus far! She has experienced some things that the average person who lives to be 70 will never experience in their life time. In fact, she has such a bright spirit, most people have forgotten that her older sister, Yetunde, was murdered in 2003. Despite withstanding the adversity associatied with being a black female athlete suceeding in a traditionally white sport, and experiencing difficulty and pain, Serena's personality definitely seems to live up to the derivative of her name: "serene."And she seems to be holding it down with her man Common, one of the best and hawtest rappers to ever hit the rap game. I imagine the memoir will be a very interesting read!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Should I Root For Sanchez??

Hmmmmm, Mark Sanchez, the trader, won the starting quarterback position with the New York Jets. The news was just announced yesterday by the Jets head coach Rex Ryan. Sanchez will be the first rookie quarterback to EVER start in the QB position in a regular season. I am.....HALFWAY happy for him. The other half of me wants him to fall flat on his wide, chubby fanny for abandoning my USC Trojans by dropping out of college to join the NFL draft! It was TRULY a decision about money, not about heart and love for the game, in my point of view. But on the other hand, I'm kinda flattered that we produced such a skillful QB; one that pushed aside a veteran QB and stole his starting position like a gangsta, haha. Awwwww, heck! I'm just torn over this guy! Can you tell? LOL. Anyway, he left us (USC) truly wanting and in trouble. Not sure we were ready to let him go and if we've had enough time to readjust to the change of a new QB. I guess I wish him, luck...but only because I'm trying to be mature about it. My inner co-ed Trojan yells "BOOOOOOOO Mark Sanchez!! Boooooo, get sacked 21 times in one game!" Teeheehee :p

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ganja Blues!

What a way to start a pro NBA career! This guy gets a *BD* (Big Dummy) with four out of five snaps! Miami Heat rookie Michael Beasley is a POTHEAD. That's right. And he's so bad with it, that he is already at the "paranoia" stage that all potheads get to eventually. I knew he always looked high, LOL! I guess that explains his rather lackluster first year last year. Sorry if it sounds like I have nada sympathy for him, but I don'! Personally, I think he just ruined his reputation, and thus his career. Anyway, he started his first stint in rehab yesterday. Rumors have it that he posted a suicidal message on his Twitter a few days ago. Success, fame, and fortune just don't do some folks well. I am actually surprised that it's JUST pot. I mean, marijuana is usually a segue drug. Well, I wish him well and I hope we don't hear any more bad news about this guy as he attempts to have an NBA career.

Monday, August 24, 2009

400 Is The Magic Number!!

Now that's what I'm talking about!! The U.S. track team finally showed us what we like to see. They pulled off two impressive wins in the 4x400 races on Sunday. The women, who many thought would struggle competing against Russia in the final, SMOKED the competition! Every lady seemed to run her best, as we held a lead all throughout the race. Allyson Felix gave the team a wide margin, but Sanya Richards made the gap even wider on the last leg of the race. It was truly no contest! On the mens side, they were favored to win, so it was looking like it would be more of the same, until Angelo Taylor started the race for the team. Dude ran like he had just scarfed two double cheeseburger and wanted to take a post lunch nap. I was expecting him to zoom out and gives us an expected lead, but NO! By the time he got back to pass the baton, we were in THIRD place. I sighed, thinking, we had been visited by the schleprock again, but Jeremy Warner saved the day! He caught up and gave us our signature gap that we were expecting. He ended up running the fastest time in the race! All in all, we eneded up wiining more gold medals than Jamaica Ha Ha! So, I'm not happy, but I'm thrilled. Congrats ladies and gents!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cute Sports Reporters! And They're Girls!

See, you don't have to look like a man to like sports OR to even be an expert on it! Check out these two cute sports chicks: Sage Steele (bottom) and Reischea Canidate (top)! These two ladies get a heterosexual "HAWTIE" vote from me, hehe. Sage is a sports reporter for ESPN SportsCenter, she's 37 and a married mother of three. She's been in the game a long time and she has worked with some of the finest in the sports business, such as: Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic from ESPN's "Mike & Mike" fame, and Mike Ditka. She's also curvy and petite and doesn't fit the profile that some people coonstruct about women who report on sports. Click her name for more info on her. Reischa is newly employed at ESPN and can be seen on ESPNews as an update anchor just like Sage. She is 35, a fellow Trojan, was a high jumper for USC, and earned her bachelors degree in exercise science in 1997 (one year after I graduated). Don't really know her other physical stats or if she's married (though I think I saw a wedding band on her left finger), but she looks like she could have easily been a model and she doesn't look even remotely mannish! For more info on her, click her name above. Great job girls! :)

Pleading Plaxico!

Well, in classy Michael Vick fashion, Plaxico Burress plead GUILTY to his gun charges today. As a result, he will serve 2 years in prison. I saw footage of Plaxico entering the courtroom on the news...he was by himself. Maybe his lawyer wife got a clue. I bet he is just a BREEZE to live with, LOL. Cocky much, Plaxico?? Anyway, doesn't seem like anyone in the NFL is crying over his impending absence on the field. He hasn't played in a year or so anyway. The NY Giants suspended him when he first shot himself in the thigh in that bar. And then they released him from the team a few months ago. Word had it he was shopping around for a team before training camp started, but no takers. Plaxico was good at what he did, one of the best wide receivers in the game, but I could smell that bad attitude a mile away. Unfortunately, seems a lot of good ball players go out like that. They have good careers, but they let their primadonna, above the rules/law attitudes tear down everything they built up over the years. There really is no excuse for stupidity of THIS magnitude, SO, Plax gets a loud and hearty "BD" (Big Dummy) from me and four snaps for ruining his career, his reputation, and his legendary status as an NFL player. {{BIG DUMMY}} Plaxico!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Gotta Take One Last Jab at Favre!

Beyond the fact that he is acting indecisive and feeble-minded these past two years, here's more proof that Favre is just too old to be playing football: analysts believe that he put on this fiasco about "retiring" JUST to get out of going to camp!! That's right Brett "lazy bones jones" Favre just may have wanted to buy enough time to sit on his cheeks and not workout with the rest of the hardworking NFL players out there! He wanted to waltz into pre-season football all rested up, straight from the farm. Well, if this is true, good LORD this guy is a basket case! Does anyone else suspect he has some type of personality disorder? Or maybe aspergers? He just doesn't seem to know how to be socially correct. Brett, buddy, listen, when you're an old, irrelevent football player, YOU RETIRE! That's the regular order of business, got that?! And shame on the Vikings organization for supporting his age-related hysteria. Man, I see that middle-age crisis hits some guys HARRRRRD! Hey Favre, here's going out with a BUST, cheerio! :P

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jamaica Funk!

Those Jamaicans must have something in the water out there! First, Usain Bolt set another world record in the 100m dash running a ridiculous 9.58 time. Then the Jamaican ladies win the gold (Olympic gold winner Shelly-Ann Fraser) and silver (Kerron Stewart) in the 100m women's dash. America's Carmelita Jeter won the bronze. American sprinters have their work set out for them if they want to regain the title of the worlds fastest sprinters any time soon. So far, Jamaica has been on a two your trend of beating us. I really just hope that nothing comes out later about these Jamaicans doping and such. That would be disconcerting to say the least. I guess it's also possible, whereas, just a month ago, five Jamaican runners tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. I'm just saying.....At any rate, Jamaica has now produced the fastest running human and the biggest clown in the history of the world, LOL. Okay, I'll be nice, congratulations Usain and Jamaica! More races to come in the IAAF World Championships, so stay tuned! It's airing on NBC and Versus channels and the last day is Sunday. :)

Say It Ain't So!!!

Rumor has it that Brett "dinosaur bones" Favre has signed a deal with the Minnesota Vikings!! NOOOOOO! This news comes shy of one month where he announced that he would stay retired. It's only a rumor at this point, but sources have outted the news saying the deal has already been signed. And Favre did fly out to Minnesota today for some odd reason....Egads! This man is 39 years old and is pretty much set to be entered into the NFL Hall of Fame IF HE WOULD JUST STAY RETIRED LONG ENOUGH!! Good lord...what do we have to do to keep this guy away from the NFL and keep him retired??? Does his wife and kids bore him THAT much?! :(

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Beast Must Be Contained....

Well, Gina did lose. She lasted almost one round, and for the most part put on an impressive performance before that beast from hell, Cris Cyborg pinned her to the fence and stole the match. I could be wrong, but if "it" was born a woman, I'll eat my hat (buy one and eat it). The good news is, Gina escaped from every submission attempt that Cyborg threw at her. She took quite a few strikes, and landed a few herself. In the end, I think she lost the fight out of exhaustion and having less strength. Cyborg is one strong chick, and that was evident. Her neck is wider than most men I know!! Not entirely sure a very naturally feminine woman like Gina could build enough muscle to be much stronger than she is right now. But this one thing I do know, Gina smells blood now! If she didn't really want it before, she wants it now and I can already project that there will be a rematch. In addition, more good news is that this unprecedented fight has drawn MANY female MMA fighters out of the woodworks. They want a piece of the beast, and I can't wait to see her go down! I'm officially tired of seeing the Brazilians win (and yes, even my boy Anderson Silva is hanging by a thread). I have a new's not about nationalism, I just don't like to see one country dominate in an international sporting event. Kinda like my irritation with Jamaica dominating in the sprinting events in track and field, but that's another story. So stay tuned! Looks like the girls are about to BLOW UP! There's a new belt out there made for the ladies, made out of gold, and we all know how much women love jewelry! P.S. check out that cute pic above of Gina with a shiner!! She can definitely take a hit! :D

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Soapbox Moment: "Caring Matters"

Okay, I admitted a few weeks ago that I JUST couldn't wait to watch some pro football. Regardless of the incredibly lackluster Combine and draft, I was still looking forward to seeing those boys doing their thang on the field. Hence, when I found out that the pre-season games have been coming on, I couldn't wait to tune in! So I did.....for the past three days...and....I find that the games are, for lack of a better term, prosaic. Yes, that's right. I'm not digging it. And I think it's because, with pre-season football, I just don't give a Hoover-Dam who wins. And there is the rub. Football is really only football when you care about the outcome! Football just for the sake of football, is like watching paint dry. So yes, I know that these games are vitally important in terms of trying out new personnel, but hey I'm in for the personal satisfaction that MY team is winning and getting that much closer to the playoffs. "Caring matters," and right now I just don't care unless the win counts. Football is not just entertainment to me, perhaps it should be, but I have my reality shows for that. So, *yawn,* guess I'll pass on pre-season football and keep my eye out for a sport with some real competiton until the NFL season starts. Patience is indeed a virtue! teeheehee

Thursday, August 13, 2009

U.S. Just Gave it Away

I didn't watch the match, but I hear the soccer match between the U.S. and Mexico was a nail-biter! Turns out, the U.S. had the lead for the first time EVER since they've played in Mexico. BUT they gave that lead away. Perhaps they got a little too over confident. Needless to say, it's a very disappointing loss. I'm also sure that many soccer fans from the U.S. felt a bit torn, since so many Americans have roots or families from or in Mexico. I know that some of my Facebook friends, were riding the fence with who they were rooting for. To me, it's just exciting to have the U.S. be a contender for the world cup! I mean, we'll have to learn how to hold onto leads and not get too ahead of ourselves if we want it, but it's great to be in the running for it! We need to re-group and keep our eyes on the prize. And this loss notwithstanding, we are still number three in the overall standings. Good luck U.S.!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Michael Vick Gets 60 Minutes....

Yes, Mike will get one whole hour to 'splain himself and this better be GOOD! I guess this is the first stop in his "create good press" tour before football season starts. Vick is hoping to grab a new team home in the coming weeks. His "personal life guru" and former Colts coach Tony Dungy suspects that he will be signing with a team real soon. Well I guess Vick understands that signing is just the first step. He also has to win over the public so that the fans of whatever team he chooses won't stop buying season tickets, AND win over his potential teammates who may not want to have a social pariah on their team as well. Anyway, Vick's interview will be airing on 60 Minutes on CBS, Sunday 7 ET/PT. Let's just see what you have to say for yourself, Mr. Man!!

The World's Best.....

It's that time of year! Time to watch the worlds best track and field athletes in the world compete at the IAAF World Championships. This year the event will occur in Berlin, Germany. It starts on Saturday, August 15th and ends on August 23rd . It's a very exciting annual event, but this year it is not without it's controversy. Jamaica has just asked to withdraw Olympic gold medalist Asafa Powell and five of his teammates from the competition. Their request is said to stem from training camp disputes, meaning these athletes aren't training in the specified spot in Berlin....Okay, that's REALLY vague, but that seems to be the issue. Among the five other teammates to be possibly excluded is sprinter Shericka Williams, and she's good! Don't get me wrong, there is no love between me and "Team Jamaica" but I wouldn't like to see their team compromised in this way. It's good fun competition and I love it when the American runners beat them! So, I want to see them there. And there is hope that they will be, because the official list is not set in stone until Thursday. Who knows, Jamaican oficials could change their mind by then. If not, we could see a whole new outcome in the sprinting events, especially the sprint relays! We'll see!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Foooooseball Mania!

I don't know about you, but I am REALLY missing and looking forward to the football season. I am more of an NFL fan than college, but I enjoy watching both. Pro football has a lot of drama going on. Like, if I hear about one more African-American NFL player and hear "jail time," DUI," "strip club,"or "guns" in the same sentence again I'll SCREAM! I am sick an tired of those guys getting in trouble, it makes me think of a skit I saw on MADD TV once that simply asked the question "Is money making black people crazy?" LOL! In terms of these pro players, the question DEFINITELY makes you go "hmmmmm" But to be fair, there are a few Ben Roethlisbergers out there too. And it's STILL ridiculous........Okay, let me compose myself because there is some good news at the end of the tunnel for one pro convict. Looks like Michael "Con-Vick" has five teams interested in him! So, he's definitely gonna get a contract with some team. But, will he play? Will the fans accept him? Or what if his teammates have issues with him as well? Hmmmmm. I guess this is his last chance so he'd better make it work. Anyway, preseason football is here!! The Cowboys play the Titans on Thursday! Don't really care about either team, but it will be good to tune in to a fooseball game just the same!

Watch Some WNBA!

Hey ya'll just FYI, there's a WBNA game coming on today at 9 pm (ET) on ESPN2! The LA Sparks will be hosting the New York Liberty at the Staple Center. The Sparks won a game last night against the Indiana Fever. Gratz to them AND to Lisa Leslie who scored 21 points and had 11 rebounds which obviously lead the Sparks to their 75 - 63 win. But the real news is that Leslie reached a career milestone by scoring a career 6k points! Kudos Lady L! I think she is so gorgeous too, she makes being a gigantic woman look GOOD, LOL. And in other exciting WNBA news, president Obama has said that the WNBA inspires his daughters! Now THAT'S something our lady ball players should really be proud of. I don't know of any other president giving them public props like that. Keep up the good work ladies! Eventually, you might even be able to make a real living off of doing what you obviously love to do! I seriously think that female athletes like the WBNA ladies are the TRUE athletes out there. They do it for the love of the game, NOT the money. ;)

Monday, August 10, 2009

UFC's Brazilian Powerhouse: Anderson Silva!

Mixed Martial Arts is one of the most exciting and athletically superior sports in the world! I just saw one of the best mixed martial artists annihilate yet another opponent last night. Anderson Silva faced Forrest Griffin in a light heavy weight bout in UFC 101. First of all, Anderson is gorgeous and just about the sexiest thing since actor/director Mario Van Peeples (who he bares a striking resemblance to). Second, he ROCKS in the ring. Third, he has two last names as his whole name: one American and one Hispanic which, I find very sexy as well, GRRRRRR! But on a more serious note, he has a fluid way of sparring with his opponent that leads me to believe he not only trains as a martial artist, boxer, and wrestler, but that he also plays capoiera. I used to play capoeira, so I recognize his moves. Silva moves like a cobra, and his strike is just as lethal! Well, he struck Forrest down three times in the first 3:32. And his last strike at 3:32 was the end of it. Forrest signaled "no mas" with an extended arm, pleaing to Silva not to hit him again while he was down. Silva acquiesed and the fight was over. Despite much speculation that Silva had finally met his match in Forrest, Silva exploded in the ring and garnered a dynamic win. Wooo hooo! Silva just makes me want to have sexy time, but that's beside the point here. He went up in his weight class from 185 to 205 becuase he had already earned the belt in his former class. He has not lost a fight since this weight class move, which has his own manager speculating that he will stay in this heavier class and fight for the title. If he does that, he will forfeit his middleweight title. He will ALSO have to face pressure to fight his BFF, training partner and "soul brother" Lyoto Machida (who holds the light heavyweight belt as we speak). Anderson says that fight will never happen, but UFC's president, Dana White, says "he can make it happen." LOL, what a tool. Personally, I think if Dana keeps pushing it, Silva's heart is so golden he would rather retire than fight his friend. Anyway, because of matches and controversies like this, MMA gets a big I LOVE IT from me! Who needs to watch soap operas! Teeheehee

Inspirational Friendship!

This is what it's all about! The athletic spirit lends itself to an overall attitude of teamwork and perseverance. Watch this video if you don't believe me!! Thanks, Craig!! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rookie, PLease!!

What in the world has gotten into Michael Crabtree's brain?? I can't believe that this ROOKIE fresh out of diapers, who hasn't played ONE game for the NFL has the audacity to contemplate putting himself on strike if he is not awarded more money in his contract. Crabtree was the "10th" pick in the first round NFL draft. He was picked up by the San Francisco 49ers, who were NICE enough to do that even though he was injured and did a shabby job at the Combine this year. Despite his outstanding performance last year for Texas Tech, something told me this kid was gonna be a bust in the NFL when he came to the Combine all busted up. And he'll have a little slowness to go along with that big head of his. At 6'2, 215 pounds, he's also a tad scrawny for his position at wide receiver. But here it is, this kid is threatening to "sit out" the entire year with the 49ers and re-enter the draft in 2010 IF they don't guarantee him 23 mil in his contract.....let's take a moment to ponder that......Okay. I'm floored. The amount of arrogance coming from these college players entering into pro sports nowadays is STAGGERING. What happened to the work ethic with pro athletes? What happened to the love of the game?? It's all about mo' money, mo' money, mo' money now. I mean, it's SO bad, that rookies think they can demand pay WHEN THEY HAVEN'T EVEN PROVEN THEMSELVES AND PAID THEIR DUES!! Crabtree, dude, get OUTTA here with that garbage!! I have no interest in watching this kid play. Not for the 49ers or any other team dumb enough to pick him up. With an attitude like that, he's just another strip-club-shooting, I-dunno-how-to-handle-my-success, convict player waiting to happen!! And to think...I used to think he was cute...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Poor WNBA...

I think pro basketball is the only area in sports where female athletes get a bad rap. As such, the WNBA is a joke compared to the NBA. Does anyone watch their games? They have players coming off of the bench making 45k a year! And now THIS?! I was watching Colin Cowherd's show "The Herd" on ESPN the other day and he had a debate going about the WNBA players. He said that these female athletes, PRO athlete's would get "creamed" by an elite high school BOYS basketball team if they ever played each other! Not that they would just lose, but get CREAMED even. Okay, I have a problem with this. I mean, how does a pro athlete even get compared to a high school one? If I were a pro athlete and was compared to a high school athlete I would be ANGRY, LOL! But it gets worse, Colin's premise was based on the fact that the players on the WNBA are, of course, WOMEN. He said that women cannot be as athletic as men, EVEN BOYS! Now to be fair, he qualified it and mentioned things like height and upper body strength as the biggest discrepancy between the two sexes in terms of playing good B-Ball. But I just can't believe that basketball skills mainly rest on those two criteria. There is also quickness, skills, and stamina. Chick basketball players have ALL of that, buddy. Well, the debate will go on and on until a game occurs to prove either opinion, and that is one game I'd REALLY like to watch!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is Cheerleading a Sport??

I...wonder about this. I mean it is competitive and athletic, and that is the basic definition of a "sport" activity, isn't it? Well it has always been a super popular and viable option for women who are into athletic activity, movement, and dance, but who may not want to do contact or strenuous physical activity. What's interesting is that cheerleading is always aligned with other traditional male sports like football and basketball. And it can actually be a professional career! Well I found this site that promotes what I call the CHEERLEADER NATION! Yes, they are serious about it. I think that it's a good argument for giving it credence in say...even the Olympics, and giving salaries in at least the 6 figure mark! It has my vote, to me cheerleading is a sport. Anyway, the aforementioned site gives vital information, like info on professional cheerleading tryouts and such. Just click on the link and check it out. GO TEAM!

That's the Team Spirit!!

NOT! How do you fight your own teammate at training camp? And how does the coach look on and chuckle about it like a proud papa, shrugging it off as "a little rock'em sock'em robots?" That's exactly the kind of shenanigans going on at the New York Jets training camp. Good lord, just ridiculous. Granted I know fights happen at most of the training camps, but I don't think it's good for business! I mean, that's not teamwork! I guess it just seems odd to me because the head coach Rex Ryan thought it was funny. Dude, this is football, NOT mixed martial arts. There were THREE fights in total at the Jets camp yesterday. I don't think your boys are getting along. How do you regroup and start thinking cohesively again when the team wants to knock each other's blocks off? Come on guys! Play nice....;)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fulfill His Fantasy!

Fantasy Football, that is, LOL. Yeah it's that time of year again. Time for FANTASY FOOTBALL WOOT! I seriously can't understand why some women abhor their men participating in Fantasy Football. Give me a break! So what if he's preoccupied with it, at least he's not cheating, drinking, or drugging! I can't say that I understand how it works totally, but it actually seems like fun. Maybe instead of adding this one to their nag list, women should JOIN their men or join their own fantasy football league. That's a thought, isn't it? Really, can't we just compromise a little on the sports thing? Anyway, I think I'm gonna do it this year. Like I said, it seems like nerve wracking and spellbinding FUN and there's money to be won, and I like that as well. From my rudimentary knowledge, here's how it works: You construct your own pretend football team. You can choose your players from any NFL team you like, and they don't have to all be from the same team. For instance, you can have Reggie Bush from the New Orleans Saints be your running back, and T.O. from the Buffalo Bills be your wide receiver. Got that part? After your team is made, you win points based on each player's performance in their respective games. You compete against other fantasy football folks in the "league" that you sign up with. The person with the most points at the end of the week, wins the pot money! The "pot" money is the money that everyone contributes at the start of each week. I believe everyone has to contribute the same amount. So, you pick 11 players, and you can trade or transfer them out during the season if something happens like an injury. There are SO many different leagues out there with many different rules. Most leagues have their own website and you can track your "team's" progress in the comfort of your own home. Other leagues have a central location where the participants meet up each week to discuss and track their teams progress. I dunno, if my man were doing this every week, I'd either be by his side or calling him around the clock trying to see how his team is doing. NOT complaining on a website called "Women Against Fantasy Sports." Come on ladies, lighten up!! Sometimes men just can't get a break. I can't wait to do a little football fantasizing myself! :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It Takes a Tiger.....

They tigers are the hardest wild animals to tame. I've always said, if you can't tame a tiger set him free. Well, all of these seem to relate to the one and only Tiger Woods. Whenever we think that he may be down out for the count he ROOOOAAARS! And that roar has resonated into 69 PGA tour titles! Yes, he's gone and done it again and won the Buick Open with just three shots. I seriously don't know when or how this guy will EVER be replaced in the history of golf. Granted, he works hard to be the best at what he does, but I think a lot of it is just raw talent. Don't get me wrong, golf is STILL boring as H-E-double hockey sticks, but I am ALWAYS interested in what's going on with my boy Tiger. Hey he also has a niece trying to make her mark in the golf arena. Her name is Cheyenne Woods. I wrote a short post on her a while back, check it out!