Sunday, August 16, 2009

Soapbox Moment: "Caring Matters"

Okay, I admitted a few weeks ago that I JUST couldn't wait to watch some pro football. Regardless of the incredibly lackluster Combine and draft, I was still looking forward to seeing those boys doing their thang on the field. Hence, when I found out that the pre-season games have been coming on, I couldn't wait to tune in! So I did.....for the past three days...and....I find that the games are, for lack of a better term, prosaic. Yes, that's right. I'm not digging it. And I think it's because, with pre-season football, I just don't give a Hoover-Dam who wins. And there is the rub. Football is really only football when you care about the outcome! Football just for the sake of football, is like watching paint dry. So yes, I know that these games are vitally important in terms of trying out new personnel, but hey I'm in for the personal satisfaction that MY team is winning and getting that much closer to the playoffs. "Caring matters," and right now I just don't care unless the win counts. Football is not just entertainment to me, perhaps it should be, but I have my reality shows for that. So, *yawn,* guess I'll pass on pre-season football and keep my eye out for a sport with some real competiton until the NFL season starts. Patience is indeed a virtue! teeheehee

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