Monday, August 3, 2009

Fulfill His Fantasy!

Fantasy Football, that is, LOL. Yeah it's that time of year again. Time for FANTASY FOOTBALL WOOT! I seriously can't understand why some women abhor their men participating in Fantasy Football. Give me a break! So what if he's preoccupied with it, at least he's not cheating, drinking, or drugging! I can't say that I understand how it works totally, but it actually seems like fun. Maybe instead of adding this one to their nag list, women should JOIN their men or join their own fantasy football league. That's a thought, isn't it? Really, can't we just compromise a little on the sports thing? Anyway, I think I'm gonna do it this year. Like I said, it seems like nerve wracking and spellbinding FUN and there's money to be won, and I like that as well. From my rudimentary knowledge, here's how it works: You construct your own pretend football team. You can choose your players from any NFL team you like, and they don't have to all be from the same team. For instance, you can have Reggie Bush from the New Orleans Saints be your running back, and T.O. from the Buffalo Bills be your wide receiver. Got that part? After your team is made, you win points based on each player's performance in their respective games. You compete against other fantasy football folks in the "league" that you sign up with. The person with the most points at the end of the week, wins the pot money! The "pot" money is the money that everyone contributes at the start of each week. I believe everyone has to contribute the same amount. So, you pick 11 players, and you can trade or transfer them out during the season if something happens like an injury. There are SO many different leagues out there with many different rules. Most leagues have their own website and you can track your "team's" progress in the comfort of your own home. Other leagues have a central location where the participants meet up each week to discuss and track their teams progress. I dunno, if my man were doing this every week, I'd either be by his side or calling him around the clock trying to see how his team is doing. NOT complaining on a website called "Women Against Fantasy Sports." Come on ladies, lighten up!! Sometimes men just can't get a break. I can't wait to do a little football fantasizing myself! :)

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