Thursday, August 27, 2009

Should I Root For Sanchez??

Hmmmmm, Mark Sanchez, the trader, won the starting quarterback position with the New York Jets. The news was just announced yesterday by the Jets head coach Rex Ryan. Sanchez will be the first rookie quarterback to EVER start in the QB position in a regular season. I am.....HALFWAY happy for him. The other half of me wants him to fall flat on his wide, chubby fanny for abandoning my USC Trojans by dropping out of college to join the NFL draft! It was TRULY a decision about money, not about heart and love for the game, in my point of view. But on the other hand, I'm kinda flattered that we produced such a skillful QB; one that pushed aside a veteran QB and stole his starting position like a gangsta, haha. Awwwww, heck! I'm just torn over this guy! Can you tell? LOL. Anyway, he left us (USC) truly wanting and in trouble. Not sure we were ready to let him go and if we've had enough time to readjust to the change of a new QB. I guess I wish him, luck...but only because I'm trying to be mature about it. My inner co-ed Trojan yells "BOOOOOOOO Mark Sanchez!! Boooooo, get sacked 21 times in one game!" Teeheehee :p

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