Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ganja Blues!

What a way to start a pro NBA career! This guy gets a *BD* (Big Dummy) with four out of five snaps! Miami Heat rookie Michael Beasley is a POTHEAD. That's right. And he's so bad with it, that he is already at the "paranoia" stage that all potheads get to eventually. I knew he always looked high, LOL! I guess that explains his rather lackluster first year last year. Sorry if it sounds like I have nada sympathy for him, but I don'! Personally, I think he just ruined his reputation, and thus his career. Anyway, he started his first stint in rehab yesterday. Rumors have it that he posted a suicidal message on his Twitter a few days ago. Success, fame, and fortune just don't do some folks well. I am actually surprised that it's JUST pot. I mean, marijuana is usually a segue drug. Well, I wish him well and I hope we don't hear any more bad news about this guy as he attempts to have an NBA career.

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