Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Michael Vick Gets 60 Minutes....

Yes, Mike will get one whole hour to 'splain himself and this better be GOOD! I guess this is the first stop in his "create good press" tour before football season starts. Vick is hoping to grab a new team home in the coming weeks. His "personal life guru" and former Colts coach Tony Dungy suspects that he will be signing with a team real soon. Well I guess Vick understands that signing is just the first step. He also has to win over the public so that the fans of whatever team he chooses won't stop buying season tickets, AND win over his potential teammates who may not want to have a social pariah on their team as well. Anyway, Vick's interview will be airing on 60 Minutes on CBS, Sunday 7 ET/PT. Let's just see what you have to say for yourself, Mr. Man!!

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