Friday, August 7, 2009

Rookie, PLease!!

What in the world has gotten into Michael Crabtree's brain?? I can't believe that this ROOKIE fresh out of diapers, who hasn't played ONE game for the NFL has the audacity to contemplate putting himself on strike if he is not awarded more money in his contract. Crabtree was the "10th" pick in the first round NFL draft. He was picked up by the San Francisco 49ers, who were NICE enough to do that even though he was injured and did a shabby job at the Combine this year. Despite his outstanding performance last year for Texas Tech, something told me this kid was gonna be a bust in the NFL when he came to the Combine all busted up. And he'll have a little slowness to go along with that big head of his. At 6'2, 215 pounds, he's also a tad scrawny for his position at wide receiver. But here it is, this kid is threatening to "sit out" the entire year with the 49ers and re-enter the draft in 2010 IF they don't guarantee him 23 mil in his contract.....let's take a moment to ponder that......Okay. I'm floored. The amount of arrogance coming from these college players entering into pro sports nowadays is STAGGERING. What happened to the work ethic with pro athletes? What happened to the love of the game?? It's all about mo' money, mo' money, mo' money now. I mean, it's SO bad, that rookies think they can demand pay WHEN THEY HAVEN'T EVEN PROVEN THEMSELVES AND PAID THEIR DUES!! Crabtree, dude, get OUTTA here with that garbage!! I have no interest in watching this kid play. Not for the 49ers or any other team dumb enough to pick him up. With an attitude like that, he's just another strip-club-shooting, I-dunno-how-to-handle-my-success, convict player waiting to happen!! And to think...I used to think he was cute...

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