Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The World's Best.....

It's that time of year! Time to watch the worlds best track and field athletes in the world compete at the IAAF World Championships. This year the event will occur in Berlin, Germany. It starts on Saturday, August 15th and ends on August 23rd . It's a very exciting annual event, but this year it is not without it's controversy. Jamaica has just asked to withdraw Olympic gold medalist Asafa Powell and five of his teammates from the competition. Their request is said to stem from training camp disputes, meaning these athletes aren't training in the specified spot in Berlin....Okay, that's REALLY vague, but that seems to be the issue. Among the five other teammates to be possibly excluded is sprinter Shericka Williams, and she's good! Don't get me wrong, there is no love between me and "Team Jamaica" but I wouldn't like to see their team compromised in this way. It's good fun competition and I love it when the American runners beat them! So, I want to see them there. And there is hope that they will be, because the official list is not set in stone until Thursday. Who knows, Jamaican oficials could change their mind by then. If not, we could see a whole new outcome in the sprinting events, especially the sprint relays! We'll see!

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