Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Gotta Take One Last Jab at Favre!

Beyond the fact that he is acting indecisive and feeble-minded these past two years, here's more proof that Favre is just too old to be playing football: analysts believe that he put on this fiasco about "retiring" JUST to get out of going to camp!! That's right Brett "lazy bones jones" Favre just may have wanted to buy enough time to sit on his cheeks and not workout with the rest of the hardworking NFL players out there! He wanted to waltz into pre-season football all rested up, straight from the farm. Well, if this is true, good LORD this guy is a basket case! Does anyone else suspect he has some type of personality disorder? Or maybe aspergers? He just doesn't seem to know how to be socially correct. Brett, buddy, listen, when you're an old, irrelevent football player, YOU RETIRE! That's the regular order of business, got that?! And shame on the Vikings organization for supporting his age-related hysteria. Man, I see that middle-age crisis hits some guys HARRRRRD! Hey Favre, here's going out with a BUST, cheerio! :P

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