Thursday, July 30, 2009

MMAs Beauty and the Beast....

Mixed Martial Arts babe Gina Carano (top) is SO puuuurrrty, but I wonder what she'll look like after her fight with Cristiane Cyborg (bottom). That pretty little face of Gina's may not make it out of the ring unscathed. I mean, I'm not worried about her ability to win the fight. I'm not concerned that Cyborg has started her career looking like a transsexual and has morphed into basically...a man, either. Gina can win. She'll have to knock Cyborg out on her man-cheeks early on in order to do it, but she can do it. Gina has 7 wins out of 7 fights: 3 by knockout, 1 by submission. Cyborg has 7 wins and one loss, with 5 of her wins by knockout. And by the way, "Cyborg's" last name is actually "Santos" and she's a MAN!! Let me give you a second to ponder that....Okay, sounds like a very even match on paper. However, Cyborg looks AND fights like a man. I mean "cyborg" is her nickname because she supposedly fights like a machine! Gina doesn't like to fight when she's on her period, Cyborg probably doesn't have a period. So, when you think about it, is this a fair fight? When you see these two ladies, who are very cordial to one another I might add, it doesn't look like we are talking about a woman versus woman bout....But, with that said, I think Gina could whoop a man if she needed to, so bring it on Cyborg, you BEAST! The fight is on August 15th. Maybe I'll go to Hooters and tune in....YES! Real women go to Hooters! :P

Way To Go, T.O.!

Of course, I've been watching Terrell Owens' new reality show on Vh1. How could any heterosexual woman resist?? LOL, anyway, T.O. has had sort of a rough time finding a franchise home to really fit in to. I am still pretty disappointed that Dallas decided to cut him, and I STILL think it was a mistake....At any rate, he's off to Buffalo, and I didn't think it was a good match. Until I watched his show! They showed him arriving at the airport to Buffalo and his filght didn't come in until 12 am. It was a delayed flight, so T.O. initially thought the few fans who met him outside the gate was a good thing. But he continued walking throught the airport and finally walked in to a HUGE crowd of people who had waited up to meet him! It was an exciting sight to see. Looks like the people in Buffalo are really ready to welcome my man T.O. with welcome arms! The mayor even gave him a key to the city! All of that Buffalo love should inspire T.O. to perform at his tippy tippy top for them. They showed him working out on the show, and I have to say his form is right on point. He also promised Buffalo 10 touchdowns and a playoff spot. So, looks like I have found an NFL team to root for after all. Go Buffalo Bills and T.O.!! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kate Likes Rods....

LOL! Kate Hudson likes rods A LOT. Her latest "rod" is hottie A-Rod, Alex Rodriguez, and this has me truly shaking my head. Is Kate Hudson the best that A-Rod can do? This guy seems to have the absolute worse taste in women. First he cheats on his wife with a call girl slash madam slash stripper, then he destroys his marriage over the anti-"virginal" Madonna, and now Kate Hudson?! Kate has done nothing but keep a constant penile tour of the country since she got a divorce from her husband a few years ago. What's A-Rods deal? I mean, what do you have to be to attract this guy, a two dollar ho? LOL, I'm not even sure if his divorce is final! He's had enough controversy with the steroid use thing that surfaced early this year. Anyway, I think he should just focus on his baseball caeer and slow down a bit with the ladies. He had 19 homeruns, 42 runs, 57 RBIs, and a .252 batting average this year. How about them Yankees, A-Rod! Play ball!....a little bit more on the baseball field aauuuuuright?! ;)

Phelps has a point.....

Well, I can't say that I am a complete Michael Phelps fan, but his latest news caught my attention. Phelps is an 8 gold medal, record breaking Olympic swimmer, and his voice deserves to be heard on this "wet suit" swimming gear controversy. Hears the deal, Phelps lost a 200 meter freestyle race yesterday. The winner, Germany's Paul Biedermann, admits that the wet suit gave him an advantage. If so, it's no surprise that Phelps coachBob Bowman is NOT pleased. Get this, he's saying that Phelps won't race until the bodysuits are banned! I don't blame him. Word is, the suits will be banned next year. If that's the case, any races won by swimmers wearing them should be banned next year as well. It's only fair. This was Phelps first individual loss in four years and Biedermann beat his record time that was set in Beijing! This is a big deal. Personally, I think a swimmer wearing a bodysuit designed to give him an edge over competiton, when OTHER swimmers can't wear the same thing, is CHEATING. Plain and simple. It's not a fair race. I think swimmers should wear what they all wore in the Olympics: speedos. The least amount of fabric as possible. Same goes for the ladies. Technically, they wear bodysuits, albeit nothing to compare to the type of bodysuit Biedermann donned. But, even the women could stand to lose a little fabric, especially if it helps the sport gain more equality. Anyway, I have never been a pro swimming fan, but I have to admit that Phelps has put swimming, as an interesting sport in the news, on the map. He's almost as wild and crazy and controversial as an NFL or NBA player and holding it down for the bad boys all by himself! All he needs now is a baby momma. Teeheehee!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Riddance! Favrewell!

Whew! That was a close one. I thought we were gonna have to deal with Brett Favre's attention-whoring for ANOTHER football season! But, praise be to the football gods, Favre has decided to stay retired. Don't get me wrong, he did his thing in his football career. He inspired a lot of up and coming players and set many standards for quarterbacks in the league. But when a man has to know when he has contributed all that he can to the cause. He has to quit while he's ahead before he tarnishes his legend and makes himself look like a bafoon! Too many times, athletes have retired and come back only to make fools of themselves. Such names as, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Mike Tyson, and others. Now, I can't say that Favre made a fool out of himself when he retired and then decided to come back to play last year. He didn't do horribly, but he didn't do much of anything worth supporting his legend either. Listen to these career stats: TD: 464 - 310, 65,127 yards passed, and a quarterback rating of 85.4! That's darn good! Hey, the man gave 17 seasons of his life to the NFL. Now it's time to focus on his family and nurse his body back to health. And it's not like he's exactly ready to join AARP, he's still a young man (only 39), there's plenty more he can do. So hats off to Mr. Favre, and Happy Retirement!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hottie Spotlight: Will Demps and Darren Sharper Good Lord!

There's some hot, hot HOTNESS over there in Texas and New Orleans ya'll. I mean HOT in more ways than one. Will Demps (right) is a safety for the Houston Texans and wears the number 47. This biracial babe is mixed with African-American and Korean. As far as I know, he is not married and unattached. Darren Sharper (left) plays safety for the New Orleans Saints and wears number 42. Gabrielle Union had a shot with this hottie and missed her chance. He is definitely single. Now I'm not trying to promote groupie love...but...I'm just saying, if you're still looking for a husband...HAHA! Hey, neither have any baby mommas, both are well educated, and both are sexy you know. Hmmmm. Doesn't it seem like some people were just born to personify perfection?? I think so. YUMMY! Can't wait 'til football season starts! ;)


Michael Vick has received a second chance in the NFL! Boy, he on his ninth NFL life, isn't he? That was indeed a close one. The reinstatement is "conditional," but if he gets picked up by a team, and gets a starting position, he could be playing in the coming regular season. I have mixed emotions about this one. But, I can say that I'm happy for him. Not sure what the "conditions" are...I suspect it has something to do with... NOT ACTING LIKE A DAMN FOOL OFF THE FOOTBALL FIELD! You think you can handle that Mr. Vick?? He's allowed to start practicing asap, and can participate in the last two pre-season games. All right, okay, let's get to it!

Galaxy Going to Smell the Roses!

The Los Angeles Galaxy will be hosting Barcelona in a match at the Rose Bowl on Saturday, August 1st. It should be good! The Galaxy have been performing better and better, especially since Beckham's controversial return. Yes, his return has been kind of bananas. In fact, just last week, Becks got into a shouting match with fans after a match. This happens after he was booed in his debut return match. Bad form, Galaxy fans! Very badly done. I don't want us Americans to prove that we are as base and unrefined as those Brits claim we are. I'm actually rooting for Becks to get his act together. Not that the team desperately needs his help, and his shelf life is just about up. But I'd like to see the gent go out on top. Because he's sexy. Oh! The match is at 8 p.m. I'm gonna try to watch it!

Friday, July 24, 2009

We Love You Anyway LeBron!!

Okay, I never understood how LeBron could be so egotistical that he would care if he LET a college player dunk on him...and it just so happened to be caught on film. Did he really think that his loyal fans would believe the hype anyway? I saw the video, and trust me my Baby Bron TOTALLY let that kid have that dunk. Because the kid was at HIS camp for skills. Why would he try to discourage that youngun by being the phenom that he is during a lesson? That would be like a dad trying to help his son practice doing layups while hogging the ball! This video thing was blown out of proportion and I think it was ALL Nike's idea to confiscate the videos from the reporters. Seriously, it was a low budget dunk. Lebron was barely trying to defend him, he was obviously more interested in WATCHING THE KID'S FORM so that he could provide feedback. Wait...I'm a chick and I get that?? All that video proved to me is what a phenomenal guy LeBron is, his character and the fact that he is NOT an egomaniacal superstar. He can share the glory, even when it is unwarranted, and that's why I love my Baby Bron! Please, King Kong has got NOTHING on LeBron James, and neither does that college player. His fifteen minutes of fame are already up and he can carry his little dunk with him on the road to obsurity. He will NEVER be Lebron James.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kobe Has Spoken!!

Methinks Kobe Bryant be the boss of the Lakers. Yes, I do. I think they run decisions by him like he's signing checks over there, teeheehee. Anyway, Kobe gave an interview in Singapore in which he states that he is "optimistic" Lamar Odom will return to play for the Lakers. Odom has been in limbo for weeks, waiting to hear his magic numbers for a contract with the team. The Lakers made him an offer, then swiftly withdrew it. Odom, who I endearingly call "the candy man" because of his addiciton to sugar and sweets, wants a ten million dollar contract for over two years. Lakers had to think about that. They have been thinking HARD about that, lol. But Kobe's revelatory interview makes it clear what HE wants them to do. shall be done. BOOM BAM BOW!

Hunh Wha...? New Football League???

There is a new football league coming on the scene and its set to make it's debut in the fall. It's called the UFL, or the United Football League and appears to be filling up with players and coaches as we speak. To be seems to be filling up with NFL rejects as we speak. Dethroned and derailed former quarterback for the Buffalo Bills J.P. Losman has just signed with the "Vegas" franchise of the UFL. *CHIRP* *CHIRP* Vegas?? Will their uniforms include sequence and feathers? Will there workouts include "jazz hands." LOL, sorry I just couldn't resist that. Word has it that disgraced quarterback Michael Vick is also possibly thinking of getting on board with the league. Former Arizona Cardinal coach Dennins Green came out of a three year retirement to sign on with the league as the coach of the San Franny team. Haha, am I really making the UFL seem like a league of misfits and pansies running around in opaque uniforms? I don't mean to do that. The season will supposedly run parallel to the NFL season....yeah...good luck with that. But hey, I'd go to a game if the tickets are going for five dollars. Why not?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sports Illustrated's Top 10 Major League Baseballers:

Goodness! Another "TOP" list. Seems there are lists for EVERYTHING. Can't get around ranking things in this society, can we? LOL Well, in good fun and just because this is "essential" information, Sports Illustrated's Joe Ponanski has given his rating of the top 100 major league baseball players to date. I will only list the top 10 here, because after 10, we just don't really care, do we. With no further ado, the list:

1. Albert Pujols, first base
"Every hitter is human," says pitcher Zack Greinke (No. 4). "Except Pujols."

2. Joe Mauer, catcher
Could win his third batting title this year ... no other American League catcher ever has won even one in history.

3. Hanley Ramirez, shortstop
Advanced stats suggest he's better defensively than people think. Offensively, he leads the league in hitting and might have another 30-30 season.

4. Zack Greinke, starting pitcher
Throws four plus pitches, all for strikes, leads the league with a 2.08 ERA, and has won 10 games for a team that has scored the fewest runs in the AL.

5. Chase Utley, second base
Crushes the ball, plays outstanding defense and, just as a fun side note, has led the league in hit-by-pitch three years running.

6. Alex Rodriguez, third base
Disastrous first half splattered with injuries, rumors and a low batting average ... and the guy STILL has a 145 OPS+, good for seventh in the AL.

7. Tim Lincecum, starting pitcher
The Freak is pitching even better this year (10-2, 2.27 ERA, league-leading 159 K's) than last year, when he won the Cy Young.

8. Dan Haren, starting pitcher
League is hitting .187 against him and he has a strikeout-to-walk ratio of 137-18. Baseball hasn't seen anything like that since the heyday of Pedro.

9. Johan Santana, starting pitcher
He was 2-4 with a 6.19 ERA in six June starts and people screamed that he was done. But Santana is a demon in the second half ... and sure enough he has not allowed a run in his last two starts.

10. Roy Halladay, starting pitcher
Not sure where he will be pitching ... but he will dominate. A handful of the people in the world can throw 93-mph fastballs that sink. A handful of people can pitch with pinpoint control. One man can do both.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cute Sports T-Shirts, etc!

I will be starting a quest to find the cutest and even sexiest t-shirts out there for women who like to wear sports team attire. I went shopping at the mall this weekend and passed an Oakland Raiders store and saw the CUTEST single strap Raiders top! I thought, what a great idea! To make feminine cute designs with sports in mind. Too bad the Raiders colors are horrendous for fashion (at least in my view). But there are many other teams out there that have great team colors and that would enhance certain fashion styles. For instance, I have seen Kobe Bryant's wife Vanessa wear some interesting outfits over the years. I can't say that I have liked them all, but a few have been right on. She wore a Lakers-yellow, single strap floor length gown at game five of the championship playoffs. Made me give her a sidelong glance and say, "hmmmmm, not bad, actually." So, I will be keeping my eye out for some sporty cuteness out there!

Pittsburgh Steelers Roethlisberger accused of WHAT??

Steeler's quarterback Ben Roethlisberger's name has been included in a sexual assault civil suit! And get this, his name was mentioned among nine other defendents! What in the freaky deaky hell went on at THAT party in July 2008?? And who made the female complaintant mad enough to file a court case WELL after the fact? There was no criminal complaint filed, so the whole thing sounds suspect to me. Nevertheless, Ben was obviously up to something less than fresh to be mentioned. Since Steve McNair, the last thing we need to hear about is another NFL quarterback's indescretion with a woman. And after Vick, the last thing we need to hear about is another NFL quarterback having legal trouble. Is it me, or do they just not make NFL quarterbacks or players the way they used too? Can't say that I am a Roethlisberger fan, but I do root for the Steelers because of their coach Mike Tomlin. Hate to see him possibly dealing with stress over his star man having problems during training season. Tsk, tsk, the things those NFL boys get themselves into when they aren't too busy playing games and travleing every week....Perhaps Ben needs to get more busy! And not in the slang way...*wink*

Monday, July 20, 2009

Vick, Vick, Vick.....

Michael Vick is out of jail. What in the world will he do now? The former Atlanta Falcons quarterback has served his time for dog fighting and animal mistreatment but it looks like he's not wanted back in the NFL. This is a hard one...on one hand, he served his time and his crime has nothing to do with his abilities to play good football. And on the other, he shouldn't be allowed to participate in a sport where so many young people view the players as role models. I am not sure if he can ever recover from this and be seen as a role model ever again. It's a sad turn of events, whereas he represented one of a limited number of African-American quarterbacks in the NFL. And he had promise, as also one of a limited number of quarterbacks that have a rocket are and the agility and speed of a running back. Vick was a formidable force out there on the field and his sports career was at the crux of really taking off. Then came the scandal. Then jail. Promising career gone POOF over a dumb and illegal hobby.....Look, the bottom line, the NFL has to set an example here. Vick may still be able to play good ball, but the message can't be given that the NFL is JUST about the game and not the character of its players. Quarterbacks also have to be particular "stand up guys" because they are historically viewed as the leaders and main motivators for their teammates. On AND off the court. Name one other quarterback in the NFL that has created so much tabloid fodder?I feel for Vick, but I don't think he's coming back to the NFL. It looks like he will have to find a new, law abiding career elsewhere. Godspeed Mike V!

Shaq is on the Attack!

Now this is a great idea for a sports reality show. I would watch this show if I were bored or some of my other favorite reality shows weren't on, I swear! Shaq has a new reality show coming on ABC called "Shaq Vs." In this show, Shaq will challenge other professional athletes in their particular sport. For instance, he will swim laps against Michael Phelps in an Olympic sized pool and go up against Serena Williams in tennis. Shaq has a great personality, so I can imagine this show will at times be bananas! Hey, I'll check it out. It ars on August 19th at 9 pm ET. Not sure how Shaq will have time to get adjusted to his new Cleveland Cavaliers team, spend time with his wife and oodles of children, and tape a reality show. Professional athletes nowadays or huge attention whores AND multi-taskers. Shaq, for one, seems to ALWAYs have to be in the spotlight. LOL

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yay Yao!

The Houston Rockets' big man Yao Ming has decided to have the much needed surgery on his broken left foot. His possibly missing most of next season notwithstanding, I think it's a great decision on his part. This is the second time Yao has suffered such an injury, yet the first time he will have surgery to mend it. Hopefully, the surgery will be a success and it will prolong his career. They hope that surgery will help to promote bone growth and get Yao's bones to realign. It's hard for a big man to last very long in the NBA. They usually have problems with their feet, because of all of the obvious reasons: weight pressure which cause them to become over worked. Imagine having a job where you stand or run on your feet a LOT while wielding over 250 pounds! The Rockets realize that he will probably be out next season, but they expect him back by training camp 2010. Godspeed, Yao!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bolt Wins, But Still Falls A Little Short...

Jamaica's Usain "Boast" Bolt won the 100m race at the Areva meet in Saint-Denis, France today. His time was 9.79, just a bit shy of Tyson Gay's time of 9.77 that he ran last week at the Golden Gala meet in Rome. Payback is a mutha!! Just kidding, Bolt is still the fastest man in the world right now. Have to keep in mind that the two weren't facing each other in the races where they earned their times. I respect Usain's talent, but I have also acquired a sour taste in my mouth for him after his unsportsmanlike antics during the 2008 Summer Olympics. Nothing worst than an athlete who is phenomenal, but with a HUGE ego. I know Usain is young and new to the running game compared to some of the other athletes, but he needs some lessons in decorum. And it didn't help that our boy Tyson had one of the worst experiences of his career last year at the Olympics, suffering an injury that took him out of the competition in the eleventh hour. Actually, the whole American team seemed to be visited by one big schleprock! (Remember him from the Flinstones cartoon?) So, I am eagerly hoping that this trend of Tyson edging Bolt out with his runnig times continues. America has a big score to settle with those Jamaicans.....

Boooos For Beckham!

So, Beckham is back...made his debut return last night with the Galaxy. And guess what, the LA fans booooooed him! Can't say that I am surprised. He's been creeping with an Italian team for about a year, and he wasn't exactly performing very well before we loaned him out to that team any how. Coming out and churning out a lackluster performance is NOT the bizznezz! The Galaxy gave him a ridiculous amount of money for his contract, and he hasn't really kept his end of the bargain. The good news is, the Galaxy won last night with a 3-1 score. The bad news is, Becks had nothing to do with it. He played like he had jetlag.....slowwwwwww. But let's give Beckham the benefit of the doubt. He has to readjust to a team that he has been away from for a year. Who knows what the climate is like with his teammates....could be kind of chilly. I know he's a professional athlete and needs to do his job with no excuses, but I recognize that he is also human. Hey, he's on our team and we're stuck with him so we might as well wish him the best. And as long as he doesn't open his mouth to speak, he is one of the sexiest athletes ever! So, no BOOOOOs please!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Other Sport That I Love...

My dear friend just tweeted yesterday about buying some golf clubs! They cost him a thousand bucks, but I say it was a worthy investment. Golf is a very relaxing and worthy sport and it seems every man should have an obligatory set of golf clubs. Just to...announce himself as truly a grown man. His tweet caused me to reminisce about my father and how much he liked to golf. I remember him taking me with him to the golf course and trying to teach me how to swing correctly. I also remember sneaking his golf clubs out of the closet to play with them and to threaten my little sister! Yikes! Thus, I have always had a fascination and respect for golf, even though I can't seem to bring myself to actually watch a match on the telly, haha. Well, my friend doesn't seem to have a lot of confidence in his golfing skills right now, but I know that he can do ANYTHING he puts his mind to. It was a business necessity right now, but soon I know he will enjoy it as much as he enjoys playing World of Warcraft! But that's another story.......teeheehee ;) Anyway, Miguel Angel Jimenez has just taken the lead from Tom Watson in the British Open. Gratz to Miguel!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

MLB: Now This is Just Uncanny.....

Can you believe that there is a major league baseball player named "Evan Longoria?" Is that just trippy or WHAT?! I wonder what Miss diva extraordinaire Eva Longoria thinks of that? Anyway, Evan plays for the Tampa Bay Rays and was slated to participate in the All Star game, but his injury got the best of him. He dropped out of the game because of a nagging infected right finger. Poor baby! Yeah, sounds wimpy, but you try to catch a ball when your finger REALLy hurts. But guess who threw the first pitch?! President Obama! The American League won 4 - 3, and the game MVP was Carl Crawford . Fun, fun, fun! Baseball is still America's signature sport! :)

Increase Your Sports Knowledge!

Ladies, would you be mad if your guy got you something for a gift that helped you understand him better? Not like...a lawnmower or power tools. I mean sort of a man manual. As a chick, I don't see why women are so enthralled with reading books ABOUT men that are written by women. And why women are so interested in wanting to understand men, but they don't pay attention to what HE really enjoys. Makes you go..."Hmmmmmm" doesn't it? I was perusing books in Barnes and Noble this past weekend and found myself wandering over to the sports section. Not only was I blown away by how big the sports section was, but I was pleasantly surprised to see SO many interesting looking books written about sports! Yes, athletes are actually interesting people and so they in turn make sports interesting. Well, if you'd like to understand what your guy is watching at home and at the sports bar check this book out! It's called: "ESPN: The Mighty Book of Sports Knowledge" and it's reasonably priced and full of pictures to go along with the words. Another interesting book was Tony Dungy's memoir called, Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Whoa! From NFL to the World of Design....

Well this one gets a resounding "What the hell!" Keyshawn Johnson former player with the Carolina Panthers, WHAT?! An interior design reality show? Do I love it? Wait a minute....I think I love it. It takes a real man to pop off his football helmet and crossover into the *jazz hand* side of things without fear of being labeled a little less than heterosexual. I admire a man who is that secure in his manhood! And I have to believe he must really know his stuff to put himself out there like that. Hey, it's not that odd to see a football player show a softer side of himself. Dhani Jones, of the San Diego Chargers, has a travel reality show on the Travel network called "Dhani Tackles the Globe." However, his show explore sports and culture, not the more traditionally feminine sort of thing like design. Well I knew Keyshawn had a sensitive side. I met him once at our graduation from USC in '96. Aside from him funding the whole event, he stood right in front of me and reveled in showing me pictures of his then wife and new twin babies. Awwwwww! So hey hey KeyShawn! Good luck with the show! It airs on A and E and is called "KeyShawn Johnson: Tackling Design." Just lovely!

LA Clippers: About to BLOW UP?? (not literally)

LA Clippers got the first draft pick this season, a young phenom named Blake Griffin. Griffin will grace the Clippers as a forward and will no doubt be a starter come next season. Griffin is a hard working young man fresh off the courts in Oklahoma, where he led the NCAA with 30 double doubles! Well Mr. Griffin is off to an excellent start in the NBA. He scored 27 points and had 12 rebounds last night in a summer league game against the LA Lakers. And get this....hope it doesn't cause that infamous Cali earthquake.....the Clippers were the boss of the Lakers and won the game 92 - 83! Don't panic Laker fans, this was a game of players off the bench and new to the teams, which is why they call it a summer league. But it is good news for the Clippers. It may also be good news if they can somehow swing acquiring Allen Iverson. Yes, Ivey is in talks with the Clippers, but it doesn't seem like the Clippers are exactly whispering sweet nothings in his ear. They want him to come off of the bench....WHAT?! Can beggars be THAT choosey? The Clippers can't seriously be expecting Allen Iverson to warm their bench. They need ALL the help they can get out there ON THE COURT. In addition, they are only offering him 5.8 million to embarrass himself and tarnish his previous career accimplishments by sititng on the bench for the LA Clippers.....Someone in the Clippers organization is drinking too many 40s. Nevertheless, I would love to see Iverson come to LA. I already planned on trying to go to some Clippers games, since I'm on a budget and they play some budget NBA ball. If they get Iverson, I'd be willing to pay 7 dollars for a ticket! *Chuckle*

Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Lord, T.O. is NAKED!

In a shameless attempt to promote his new reality show, T.O.'s new advertising campaign includes him in a NAKED pose! Yes, ladies, you heard that right. T.O. in all of his musclefied, attention-whoring glory has taken it all off to remind the ladies to watch his show. Don't you love it when men have to resort to virtual whoredom in order to make some money? LOL. Anyway, I guess he is squezing time in from training camp up in Buffalo New York to 1) tape an athletically challenging reality show, 2) pose naked, and 3) shoot his OWN reality show. Okay....I think this is T.O's last year in the NFL. :( His show airs on July 20, 10/9 Central on VH1.

UFC Madness!

Whew! What an awesome smackdown UFC event this past Saturday! I enjoyed watching all of the fights and the outcomes except for one...the Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir results. I CAN'T STAND Brock Lesnar. Brock is the former WWE clown who has brought his big cornfed oafery to the UFC organization in real hillbilly fashion. Dude has a SAG card and obviously still wants an acting career instead of being a REAL athlete! I wasn't sold on him crossing over into the world of MMA to begin with, and he has done nothing but prove my instincts right since he came in. He wrestled in college...SO WHAT! That does not make him a "mixed martial artist." He has no jiujitzu skills, no kickboxing skills, and no boxing skills for that matter. He knocks his opponents down, lays his heavy chest on them so they can't move, and plummets them in the face. He should be a Youtube sensation, not making millions as the heavyweight champion in a respectable sport. yeah...he won and is the undisputed heavyweight champion. Mir beat him a year ago with a legbar, but Lesnar said it was merely luck. It was TECHNIQUE, Mr. Lesnar, because Mir is a jiujitsu specialist, he did what an MMA star was supposed to do and won fair and square. You, sir, are just a bully! Not a true athlete. And Lesnar kept the "class act" going after his win by showing the world he has the IQ of an amoeba. When asked what he planned on doing when he got home after the fight, his reply was, "I just may climb on top of my wife..." Yeah....the thought of him climbing on top of his gargantuan wife gave me images of two yetis frolicking in the snow. I almost hurled. Anyway dolls, if you decide to get turned on to MMA and UFC, heed my advice and follow my example, YOU MUST HATE BROCK LESNAR. Thanks for your cooperation ladies, and goodnight. ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I don't know what it is...but for the first time that I can recall...I'm not anxiously waiting for football season to start. I don't feel that spark I normally have, that excited anticipation. If I think hard, I think it started when the Cowboys released my boy Terrell Owens. Terrell doesn't know it, but I'm his wife in a another life, so as his imaginary wife I had a reason to be upset! Thus, before their drastic mistake, the Cowboys were my TEAM. And because of that, I was inspired to enjoy watching other teams as well, like New Orleans, Seattle, and Pittsburgh....well Pittsburgh only because of their dreamy coach Mike Tomlin, GOOD LORD that's a goodlooking man. Luckily, T.O. was picked up by the Buffalo Bills, but I don't really care! I don't want to care about the Buffalo Bills. I wanted to care about the Cowboys, we had a really good relationship before they broke up with my man! And now, I'm over them, I don't care if they win or lose. I also think that my lackluster response to the pending NFL season is because the NFL draft was....prosaic this year. The first pick was a quarterback and "QB" first picks are always boring to me. His name is Michael Stafford. Who??? I said Michael Stafford! That's what folks are saying, months after the NFL draft happened. "Who was the first pick in the NFL draft this year?" Now, when men ask that question, months later, that's a problem. Okay, I have to admit this is disturbing, but the only thing that excites me is the fact that Tom Brady is back, people expect him to show off and get the New England Patriots to another superbowl, and I am eagerly waiting to watch him FAIL. That's bad, isn't it! So....I need a team to root for. I only have a few months to conjure up some love for one of them. And damn...I had my heart set on buying a NFL jersey this year! So, I have to find a team. Wish me luck!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Like....Random Sports News....

Serena Williams beat her sis Venus to win the 2009 Wimbledon cup in women's tennis. Seven of the last nine Wimbledon titles were won by a Williams sister, and at least one sister has been in the final from years 2000 to 2009! The one exception was 2006. Now that's domination!

Roger Federer won his 15th Wimbledon Title in mens.

Espy Awards will air on July 19th at 9 pm ET. Samuel Jackson will host the event.

Rasheed Wallace, with the man/beast hair all over his head and face, will be traded from the Detroit Pistons to the Boston Celtics.

Tiger Woods won the AT&T National title.

LA Sparks Lose to Pheonix Mercury

Despite Diana Taurasi being charged with a DUI last Thursday, she helped her team rally past the LA Sparks to a 104 - 89 victory. Taurasi scored 20 points! Candace Parker of the LA Sparks made her comeback debut after giving birth to her first child in May. Good to see Parker back in the game so soon. I know that the Sparks can get past this loss and get back in action. I think the WNBA league needs more support from fans! Lets make a pact to watch more of their games when they come on the telly and let our girls know that we love them too! Their next televised game is on July 14th on ESPN2 at 4pm. A lot of these WNBA ladies also have modeling careers and look great in print and on the runway! You go girls!

NFL News: Steve McNair Shot to Death

In sad NFL news, another NFL player has been lost to senseless violence. Steve McNair, the former quarterback for the Tennessee Titans, was found Saturday sitting on a couch shot to death in a condominium that he owned. Found with him, was Sahel Kazemi, a 20 year old waitress that McNair had been dating for a few months. Kazemi had been staying in the condo for months. McNair had been married to his wife Mechelle for twelve years and they had four children. As of Sunday, officials ruled the death a homicide and continue their investigation of the incident. McNair was shot four times, two times in the chest and two times in the head. Kazemi was shot once in the head. The gun was found under her body, sparking suspicion that it may have been a murder suicide. Her death has yet to receive a ruling from officials. McNair was 36 years old. He was chosen for four pro bowls and finished his career with 31,304 passing yards and 174 touchdowns. He led the Tennessee Titans to the superbowl in 2000.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Now I'm No Dummy, But.....

Will someone please tell me what in the flying-pest hell was that noise during the soccer match between the US and Brazil last weekend? It was...distracting and annoying. Perhaps that's why the Brazilians were able to rally past the US to win the match despite an early two goal deficit. Yes, we lost, but no worries, the US is moving on up in the FIFA rankings. We now hold the number 12 spot on the list! And what happened to our boy David Beckham?? It seems he merely came to the US to get hurt and go on vacation. I think we've seen more of his wife and kids, their space buddies Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and Tommy and Katie's little spawned earthling Suri in the stands than we have of Beckham out on the field. He has been "on loan" to the AC Milan team since January, and was supposed to be back in LA in March, but his loan there was extended. He will hopefully be back with the LA Galaxy in mid-July. Booooooo! He's been creeping with another team!! Anyway, he's a hotty and his wife is a feisty fashionista, so I forgive him. :)


Why do SO many NBA players want to also have a rap career???? LOL You'd be surprised how many of them have made rap albums....hmmmm. Here's a rudimentary list of the NBA players with rap albums or rap collaborations that I know of thus far:

Shaquille O'Neal
Kobe Bryant
Ron Artest
Lamar Odom
Allen Iverson
Jason Kidd
Chris Webber
Troy Hudson
Dana Barros
Bryan Shaw
Gary Payton
Cedric Ceballos

Fellas...PLEASE, just play ball. Okee?

Artest/Ariza Switcharoo!

Okay, looks like we lost my boy Ariza. In a strange twist of fate, Lakers did an even swop: Ron Artest for Trevor Ariza! Artest is leaving the Houston Rockets, and Trevor is taking his place there. Both Artest and Ariza play the same position at Guard - Forward, so it is indeed an even switcharoo in that regard. However, Artest is 6 years older than Ariza, has the expected temper of a fiery freaky male scorpio, and was willing to take much less pay than Ariza will be eventually making with the Houston Rockets over five years time. I can't say that I am too disappointed to have the Lakers acquire Artest, but I am a tad disappointed to see Ariza go. I had BIG plans for Ariza. Regardless of the fact that Ariza has already been in the league for five years, I think he's on fire and will end up being an NBA star. Artest, however, has already paid some dues and proven his abilities so far in his career. He earned the title of Defensive Player of the Year in 2004 and last year with the Rockets he averaged 17.1 points, got 5.2 rebounds and 3.3 assists. It will be an interesting transition...I can't say that I recall the Lakers ever having such an aggressive player. Artest is widely known for his bout with a fan who reportedly threw a cup at him, check out the video here! Let's see if Kobe plus Artest equals DYNAMITE! Good luck in Houston Ariza! :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lakers, What's It Gonna Be?

Lakers better give my boy his money! Teehee, Trevor Ariza is NOT happy with the measly 5.8 million dollar offer over an unspecified number of years that the Laker camp has offered him to stay on board. He wanted a 7 or 8 million dollar a YEAR offer for an unspecified number of years. And I don't blame him! Trevor really came through for us. He is committed to our team and I hope we keep him. The kids got heart! Lamar Odom is also on the chopping block. Well, I mean he is a free agent along with Ariza. Odom wants 10 million a year. Well, I don't have anything against Willy Wonka Odom and his sugar addiction, but 10 million? I think if I had to choose between the two...if I HAD to choose, I'd choose Ariza. I like his game and his defense is the fiercest the Lakers have seen since Dennis Rodman. Well, let me not panic, they are just offering Ariza 5.8 million. Hopefully they will settle on something a little closer to what he really wants. Viva Ariza!


There's a new little Tiger coming on the scene and her name is Cheyenne. She is Cheyenne Woods to be exact, and her uncle is one of the most famous and THE most well paid athletes on the planet! Cheyenne is Tiger's 18 year old niece who is an up and coming small force on the golf scene. She is the daughter of Tiger's half brother, Earl Woods, Jr. Most people aren't aware that Tiger's father was married before and had three other children before he married Tiger's mother. Cheyenne seems to be on the road to success! She definitely has the best mentor in the world for her sport. And she also had her grandfather to look to for guidance before he died in May 2006. She is now attending Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. Right now, she is content to play on her college golf team, but she definitely has plans to go pro. Good Luck Cheyenne!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Some athletes make a KILLING!!

Just cannot believe what some of these cats make for a living! Interestingly enough, a lot of their top earning s come from "endorsements," or companies paying them to advertise their goods. Hmmmm, no wonder the golddiggers are always ready to pounce on them. But beyond them being able to pull overly ambitious women, it's nice to see the income potential out there for some guys who would have otherwise never had a chance to be wealthy. Check out the list from Sports Illustrated at: http://

Very interesting indeed!


5. Ask genuine questions about the sport he's watching.

4. Bring him a snack or beverage.

3. Rub your favorite part of his body.

2. Pacify his favorite part of his body.

1. Distract him by creating your own, private "sporting event."

Baseball, Baby!

I LOVE going to baseball games. Something about the crowd around, eating sun flower seeds together, talking, cracking jokes, and gorging on hot dogs and beer that is SO exciting to be around. The field is always so crisp looking and clear, no matter how high up your seats are. The players are as laid back as the fans who are watching. games are a great place to go and unwind or relax. That's how it's a little different than some contact or fast pace sporting events. Aside from golf and bowling, it has to be one of the most chill world wide popular sports out there. I haven't been to a game in a LONG time, about five years, but I have to admit that all of this talk about "steroid use" is giving me the baseball fever. And that's....kinda twisted if you think about it. I have no desire to watch a game on the telly, I want to go see those 'roided up players in PERSON. See if I can tell if they're "on that stuff." I have to admit, Alex Rodriguez looks good being on that stuff, lol. Well, technically he hasn't been on that stuff since 2003 but I'm sure there are residual effects. Dude is running through women like a stallion on a dude ranch. He has testosterone coming out of his ears, and obviously one other place that I won't explicitly mention. But, the new bad boy of baseball is Manny Ramirez who plays for the Dodgers. Looks like he will be coming back real soon after a 50 game suspension for steriod use. These two cats have stolen Barry Bonds thunder and he wants it back! Teeheehee. My question is, with baseball being wracked with all of this steriod drama, will there even BE a baseball Hall of Fame in the next 10 years? All of the best players in the sport may not even qualify any more. C'mon guys, get off of that stuff and let's play some legitimate ball! :P