Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I don't know what it is...but for the first time that I can recall...I'm not anxiously waiting for football season to start. I don't feel that spark I normally have, that excited anticipation. If I think hard, I think it started when the Cowboys released my boy Terrell Owens. Terrell doesn't know it, but I'm his wife in a another life, so as his imaginary wife I had a reason to be upset! Thus, before their drastic mistake, the Cowboys were my TEAM. And because of that, I was inspired to enjoy watching other teams as well, like New Orleans, Seattle, and Pittsburgh....well Pittsburgh only because of their dreamy coach Mike Tomlin, GOOD LORD that's a goodlooking man. Luckily, T.O. was picked up by the Buffalo Bills, but I don't really care! I don't want to care about the Buffalo Bills. I wanted to care about the Cowboys, we had a really good relationship before they broke up with my man! And now, I'm over them, I don't care if they win or lose. I also think that my lackluster response to the pending NFL season is because the NFL draft was....prosaic this year. The first pick was a quarterback and "QB" first picks are always boring to me. His name is Michael Stafford. Who??? I said Michael Stafford! That's what folks are saying, months after the NFL draft happened. "Who was the first pick in the NFL draft this year?" Now, when men ask that question, months later, that's a problem. Okay, I have to admit this is disturbing, but the only thing that excites me is the fact that Tom Brady is back, people expect him to show off and get the New England Patriots to another superbowl, and I am eagerly waiting to watch him FAIL. That's bad, isn't it! So....I need a team to root for. I only have a few months to conjure up some love for one of them. And damn...I had my heart set on buying a NFL jersey this year! So, I have to find a team. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! These are some good tips, but there’s better ones out there. I would definitely research it, Keno is by far the best game ever.
