Friday, July 17, 2009

Boooos For Beckham!

So, Beckham is back...made his debut return last night with the Galaxy. And guess what, the LA fans booooooed him! Can't say that I am surprised. He's been creeping with an Italian team for about a year, and he wasn't exactly performing very well before we loaned him out to that team any how. Coming out and churning out a lackluster performance is NOT the bizznezz! The Galaxy gave him a ridiculous amount of money for his contract, and he hasn't really kept his end of the bargain. The good news is, the Galaxy won last night with a 3-1 score. The bad news is, Becks had nothing to do with it. He played like he had jetlag.....slowwwwwww. But let's give Beckham the benefit of the doubt. He has to readjust to a team that he has been away from for a year. Who knows what the climate is like with his teammates....could be kind of chilly. I know he's a professional athlete and needs to do his job with no excuses, but I recognize that he is also human. Hey, he's on our team and we're stuck with him so we might as well wish him the best. And as long as he doesn't open his mouth to speak, he is one of the sexiest athletes ever! So, no BOOOOOs please!

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