Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Riddance! Favrewell!

Whew! That was a close one. I thought we were gonna have to deal with Brett Favre's attention-whoring for ANOTHER football season! But, praise be to the football gods, Favre has decided to stay retired. Don't get me wrong, he did his thing in his football career. He inspired a lot of up and coming players and set many standards for quarterbacks in the league. But when a man has to know when he has contributed all that he can to the cause. He has to quit while he's ahead before he tarnishes his legend and makes himself look like a bafoon! Too many times, athletes have retired and come back only to make fools of themselves. Such names as, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Mike Tyson, and others. Now, I can't say that Favre made a fool out of himself when he retired and then decided to come back to play last year. He didn't do horribly, but he didn't do much of anything worth supporting his legend either. Listen to these career stats: TD: 464 - 310, 65,127 yards passed, and a quarterback rating of 85.4! That's darn good! Hey, the man gave 17 seasons of his life to the NFL. Now it's time to focus on his family and nurse his body back to health. And it's not like he's exactly ready to join AARP, he's still a young man (only 39), there's plenty more he can do. So hats off to Mr. Favre, and Happy Retirement!

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