Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yay Yao!

The Houston Rockets' big man Yao Ming has decided to have the much needed surgery on his broken left foot. His possibly missing most of next season notwithstanding, I think it's a great decision on his part. This is the second time Yao has suffered such an injury, yet the first time he will have surgery to mend it. Hopefully, the surgery will be a success and it will prolong his career. They hope that surgery will help to promote bone growth and get Yao's bones to realign. It's hard for a big man to last very long in the NBA. They usually have problems with their feet, because of all of the obvious reasons: weight pressure which cause them to become over worked. Imagine having a job where you stand or run on your feet a LOT while wielding over 250 pounds! The Rockets realize that he will probably be out next season, but they expect him back by training camp 2010. Godspeed, Yao!

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