Monday, July 27, 2009

Galaxy Going to Smell the Roses!

The Los Angeles Galaxy will be hosting Barcelona in a match at the Rose Bowl on Saturday, August 1st. It should be good! The Galaxy have been performing better and better, especially since Beckham's controversial return. Yes, his return has been kind of bananas. In fact, just last week, Becks got into a shouting match with fans after a match. This happens after he was booed in his debut return match. Bad form, Galaxy fans! Very badly done. I don't want us Americans to prove that we are as base and unrefined as those Brits claim we are. I'm actually rooting for Becks to get his act together. Not that the team desperately needs his help, and his shelf life is just about up. But I'd like to see the gent go out on top. Because he's sexy. Oh! The match is at 8 p.m. I'm gonna try to watch it!

1 comment:

  1. Beckham is a has been and it was a marketing gimmick to try to get fans into seats. Fans are not dumb and they realize he is getting paid a lot of money and he has not really embraced playing American soccer! Why would he? MLA is like playing in the old ABA. Everyone is biding their time until they can jump to any decent European team.
