Monday, July 20, 2009

Vick, Vick, Vick.....

Michael Vick is out of jail. What in the world will he do now? The former Atlanta Falcons quarterback has served his time for dog fighting and animal mistreatment but it looks like he's not wanted back in the NFL. This is a hard one...on one hand, he served his time and his crime has nothing to do with his abilities to play good football. And on the other, he shouldn't be allowed to participate in a sport where so many young people view the players as role models. I am not sure if he can ever recover from this and be seen as a role model ever again. It's a sad turn of events, whereas he represented one of a limited number of African-American quarterbacks in the NFL. And he had promise, as also one of a limited number of quarterbacks that have a rocket are and the agility and speed of a running back. Vick was a formidable force out there on the field and his sports career was at the crux of really taking off. Then came the scandal. Then jail. Promising career gone POOF over a dumb and illegal hobby.....Look, the bottom line, the NFL has to set an example here. Vick may still be able to play good ball, but the message can't be given that the NFL is JUST about the game and not the character of its players. Quarterbacks also have to be particular "stand up guys" because they are historically viewed as the leaders and main motivators for their teammates. On AND off the court. Name one other quarterback in the NFL that has created so much tabloid fodder?I feel for Vick, but I don't think he's coming back to the NFL. It looks like he will have to find a new, law abiding career elsewhere. Godspeed Mike V!

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