Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Increase Your Sports Knowledge!

Ladies, would you be mad if your guy got you something for a gift that helped you understand him better? Not like...a lawnmower or power tools. I mean sort of a man manual. As a chick, I don't see why women are so enthralled with reading books ABOUT men that are written by women. And why women are so interested in wanting to understand men, but they don't pay attention to what HE really enjoys. Makes you go..."Hmmmmmm" doesn't it? I was perusing books in Barnes and Noble this past weekend and found myself wandering over to the sports section. Not only was I blown away by how big the sports section was, but I was pleasantly surprised to see SO many interesting looking books written about sports! Yes, athletes are actually interesting people and so they in turn make sports interesting. Well, if you'd like to understand what your guy is watching at home and at the sports bar check this book out! It's called: "ESPN: The Mighty Book of Sports Knowledge" and it's reasonably priced and full of pictures to go along with the words. Another interesting book was Tony Dungy's memoir called, Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life.

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