Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Other Sport That I Love...

My dear friend just tweeted yesterday about buying some golf clubs! They cost him a thousand bucks, but I say it was a worthy investment. Golf is a very relaxing and worthy sport and it seems every man should have an obligatory set of golf clubs. Just to...announce himself as truly a grown man. His tweet caused me to reminisce about my father and how much he liked to golf. I remember him taking me with him to the golf course and trying to teach me how to swing correctly. I also remember sneaking his golf clubs out of the closet to play with them and to threaten my little sister! Yikes! Thus, I have always had a fascination and respect for golf, even though I can't seem to bring myself to actually watch a match on the telly, haha. Well, my friend doesn't seem to have a lot of confidence in his golfing skills right now, but I know that he can do ANYTHING he puts his mind to. It was a business necessity right now, but soon I know he will enjoy it as much as he enjoys playing World of Warcraft! But that's another story.......teeheehee ;) Anyway, Miguel Angel Jimenez has just taken the lead from Tom Watson in the British Open. Gratz to Miguel!

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