Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Lord, T.O. is NAKED!

In a shameless attempt to promote his new reality show, T.O.'s new advertising campaign includes him in a NAKED pose! Yes, ladies, you heard that right. T.O. in all of his musclefied, attention-whoring glory has taken it all off to remind the ladies to watch his show. Don't you love it when men have to resort to virtual whoredom in order to make some money? LOL. Anyway, I guess he is squezing time in from training camp up in Buffalo New York to 1) tape an athletically challenging reality show, 2) pose naked, and 3) shoot his OWN reality show. Okay....I think this is T.O's last year in the NFL. :( His show airs on July 20, 10/9 Central on VH1.

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